Munroe Falls Repeals Unconstitutional Drilling Regulations

From the Stow Sentry:
Two months after the Ohio Supreme Court delivered a final blow to the city's attempts at controlling oil and gas drilling within its boundaries, City Council has done a bit of housekeeping connected to it. 
Council unanimously approved April 21 an ordinance repealing Chapter 1329, which provides drilling regulations, of the city's codified ordinances. 
The chapter, the bulk of which dates back to 1980, covers areas such as permits, public hearing requirements, consent of neighboring property owners, inspections, maintenance and landscaping. 
Council introduced the ordinance for first reading March 17. Law Director Jack Morrison told Council April 7 that the chapter serves no point since the city cannot enforce its provisions. 
"While you are not required to repeal it, I think it is incumbent on the city, because it has been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, to repeal it," said Morrison.
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