Utopia Pipeline Moves Closer to Reality in Ohio

From Gas & Oil:
Can there be Utopia here? Before answering, recognize it is yet another proposed pipeline through Wayne County. 
Ken Collins, a consultant with Kinder Morgan, a Houston-based energy infrastructure company, met with county officials to inform them about the proposed Utopia East line. If approved, it will run about 240 miles and feature two 12-inch lines to carry ethane, a refined product. The ethane will be converted to ethylene, which is used in the manufacturing of plastics. It is considered a wet gas. 
The line will start in Harrison County and move northwest to Fulton County. There will be four points feeding into the line in Harrison and Carroll counties. The pipeline will enter Wayne County east of Mount Eaton in Plain Township and exit west of New Pittsburg. Affected townships in Wayne are Paint, Salt Creek, East Union, Franklin, Wooster, Plain and Chester. 
Because the pipeline will be only in Ohio, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be the lead agency and not the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Other agencies that will be involved in the process include the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
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