05/15/15 Links of the Day: Groups Accuse Chesapeake of Stealing Oil & Gas Without Leases, Barnesville Selects Law Firm in Fight With Gulfport, and More

The Review:  Pipeline could bring big benefits to Hancock County   -   "Only 5.25 miles of the 711-mile natural gas pipeline will run through Hancock County, the smallest, northernmost county in West Virginia. But commissioners said the property tax windfall could total $ 390,000 a year, starting in..."

The Athens News:  ODNR wants state panel to dismiss anti-fracking appeal   -   "The Ohio Department of Resources has asked the state Oil and Gas Commission to dismiss an appeal against the ODNR's decision to allow a third K&H Partners injection well in eastern Athens County. The appeal was filed by the..."

The Intelligencer/Wheeling News-Register:  Non-Profit Groups Claim Chesapeake Energy Took Gas Without Leases   -   "Chesapeake Energy sold its way out of West Virginia's Marcellus shale play via a $5 billion deal last year, but multiple Wheeling non-profit groups believe the company caused them "hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage" by taking oil and natural gas without a lease..."

The Athens News:  OU natural gas pipeline gets September completion date   -   "Columbia Gas will begin constructing a medium-pressure natural gas pipeline for Ohio University starting on May 28, with hopes to complete construction by Sept. 30, OU facilities management officials said Thursday. OU is gearing up to free itself of its reliance on coal as a heating and energy source by the end of 2015, but university officials have said that OU is on a tight timeline to..."

Gas & Oil:  COLUMBUS LAW FIRM TO REPRESENT BARNESVILLE IN GULFPORT SUIT   -   "Village leaders have called in outside help in a legal case of “David versus Goliath” that has garnered national and international attention from the media and environmental advocates. Following a short executive session at an early April meeting of Barnesville Village Council, the Columbus law firm of..."

RBN Energy:  Give A Little Bit (Of Your Liquids To Me) – Finding Markets For Utica Condensate   -   "According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), liquids production from the Utica shale in Ohio (identified as crude oil but more likely all lease condensate) has more than trebled since January 2014 from 19 Mb/d to a projected 64 Mb/d in May 2015. Regional production of plant condensate from natural gas processing has also increased with..."

Bloomberg:  Twitter Tussle Erupts Between Drillers, Refiners on Oil Exports   -   "The tumble in oil prices is opening a rift in the petroleum industry, which often links arms in Washington against common enemies like tax increases and drilling limits. The issue: A debate on whether to end a 1970’s-era ban on most exports of oil pumped from the U.S. Drillers want the restrictions to end, in the face of a..."

Gas & Oil:  UPDATE ON DOMINION EAST OHIO OPERATIONS IN THE UTICA/MARCELLUS SHALE AT ENERGY COALITION MEETING   -   "Presenting an optimistic view of Dominion East Ohio, Mack Smith Jr., the company's manager of commercial gas services, said Dominion has "overlays on the Utica and Marcellus Shale, the most prolific wet gas plays in the United States." Dominion's home office is in Virginia, but it has an office in Canton. Smith engineered a power point presentation for attendees at the Guernsey Energy Coalition meeting Thursday morning at..."

Susquehanna Independent Weekender:  Activist charged for undisclosed taping   -   "Vera Scroggins, 64, Brackney, was charged by Susquehanna County detectives with felony counts of intercept communications, disclose intercepted communications, and use intercepted communications in connection with a June 5, 2013 incident in Montrose. According to the affidavit filed in Montrose District Court, Scroggins made a video and audio recording of both Montrose-based attorney Laurence Kelly and his assistant..."

The Intelligencer/Wheeling News-Register:  PSC: ‘Wet Spring’ Led To Pipeline Ruptures   -   "Seven natural gas pipelines have ruptured across northern West Virginia over the last month, the state's chief pipeline inspector said Wednesday..."

American Chemistry Council:  Shale Gas Creating Renaissance in U.S. Plastics Manufacturing   -   "Due largely to plentiful and affordable natural gas and natural gas liquids from shale formations, U.S. jobs related to plastics manufacturing are expected to grow by 462,000 over the next decade—more than 20 percent—reaching more than 2.7 million, according to a new report. “The Rising Competitive Advantage of U.S. Plastics,” published by..."

Seeking Alpha:  Rice Energy: Dry Utica - From Optimism To Confidence   -   "While the Marcellus continues to account for the lion's share of Rice Energy's (NYSE:RICE) production, the real head-turner have been the company's wells in the Utica's dry gas window. Rice's first quarter report added results for another two Utica wells in Belmont County, Ohio that extend the success of the company's..."

Gas & Oil:  THE UPPER DEVONIAN BURKET/GENESEO SHALE   -   "The Marcellus Shale has dominated the energy headlines for news coming out of the Appalachian Basin for the last 8 years or so and for good reason – its vast natural gas resources and production have almost singlehandedly transformed the entire energy marketplace in North America. The Utica Shale has also garnered..."

Wall Street Journal:  Shale-Oil Producers Ready to Raise Output   -   "After slashing the number of drilling rigs for months, US shale-oil companies say they are ready to bring rigs back into service, setting up the first big test of their ability to quickly react to rising crude prices. Last week, EOG Resources Inc. said it would ramp up output if US prices hold at..."

Gas & Oil:  Reminderville "Heats Up"   -   "The village of Reminderville, located just to the northeast of Twinsburg, has found a way to heat itself up. The village, with a population of around 3,600 people, has been experiencing greater energy autonomy after an oil and natural gas well was installed there in an effort to..."

Columbus Business First:  NiSource pipeline spinoff spending billions in Ohio, surrounding states   -   "Columbia Pipeline Group plans to spend $10 billion in the next five years on projects centered around Ohio and its neighboring states. The company, which will separate fromColumbia Gas of Ohio parent NiSource Inc. (NYSE:NI) July 1, outlined its..."

Politics on the Hudson:  “Gasland” director Josh Fox arrested in Finger Lakes   -   "Twenty-one protesters, including “Gasland” filmmaker Josh Fox, were arrested yesterday in Schuyler County in the latest protest against a proposed liquid petroleum gas facility in the Finger Lakes. The Star-Gazette in Elmira reported that the group was arrested Wednesday morning at the gates of Crestwood Midstream Partners in the Town of..."

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