Some Fear Possible Violence as NEXUS Pipeline Surveyors Go About Their Work

From the Medina Gazette:
A project manager for the proposed NEXUS Gas Transmission pipeline has sent letters to Medina County property owners, informing them that, as of today, NEXUS-employed surveyors may enter their property without permission. 
“We hope you understand that the planned near-term activities must be conducted without delay in order to meet our schedule requirement and that our preference is to cooperate with you by requesting permission for access,” reads a copy of the letter obtained by The Gazette. 
“However, if you have not granted such permission to NEXUS by May 1, so that the survey activities can be coordinated to provide you with advanced notice, you should be aware that NEXUS may enter your property as provided for in Ohio Revised Code Sections 163.03 and 1723.01 to perform the necessary survey activities.”
From that same article comes this:
Walter Giebeler, a York Township resident, has made it clear that NEXUS officials are not welcome on his property. He and his wife, Verna, have put up “No Trespassing” signs on their property with symbols of guns to warn NEXUS surveyors. 
“I used to be a gun collector, but I do have some really neat weapons that look kind of mean; and if they come on my property, I would walk straight up to the NEXUS guys with those in my hand,” he said. “First, I would make sure they know that it is dangerous for them to come on my property, and while I’m doing that, my wife probably would call the sheriff.” 
Giebeler said he’s approaching 80 years old and has no intention of giving in to NEXUS.
“Even if I end up in prison, I’m not going to give one foot of my property away,” he said. “I don’t make it secret about how I feel about it. My wife and I are running out of patience.”
Read the whole story here. 

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