Utica Shale Academy is Expanding

From The Review:
The Utica Shale Academy (USA) is expanding, and beginning this fall high school aged students will be able to enroll at a satellite location within the Columbiana School District.

The Columbiana Board of Education approved the satellite location following a presentation by USA director Eric Sampson this week. 
Superintendent Don Mook said hosting the academy within the high school building will open up the door for students in the northern part of the county who may not have been able or willing to drive to the Southern Local location. 
Formed last year, the academy functions as an open enrollment charter school within the Southern Local High School through an agreement with the Jefferson County Educational Service Center (ESC), and students in grades 9 through 12 can earn certifications through the academy for careers in the oil and gas industry. 
Academy students also fulfill their high school graduation requirements through the courses, which are a combination of online and hands-on learning, allowing for a seamless transition to colleges and universities for their associate degree in related fields.
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