Links of the Day 06/18/15: Another Look at EPA Fracking Report, OPEC Revenue Slumps, and More

Energy in Depth:  Ten Important Things to Know from EPA’s 1,000-page Groundwater Study   -   "Last week, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released its long-awaited study on the relationship between groundwater and hydraulic fracturing, finding that fracturing technology has “not led to widespread, systematic impacts to drinking water resources,” as routinely claimed by..."

Gas & Oil:  Lisbon Gives Final Go-Ahead for Gas Aggregation Program   -   "Legislation giving residents the option of signing up with a natural gas supplier through a village-sanctioned program was approved on third and final reading during this week's council meeting. The legislation followed council's decision to hire Aspen Energy to negotiate..."

Gas & Oil:  Rice Energy's Bigfoot 9H Well Top Producer in Ohio   -   "Landowners seem to be very happy with Rice Energy. Early last year Rice paid landowners in Belmont County a signing bonus and $7,500 per acre with a 20 percent royalty. According to an article on the "Seeking Alpha" website, Rice has said they plan to choke..."

Rigzone:  OPEC Revenue Slumps Below $1 Trillion First Time Since 2010   -   "OPEC nations’ revenue from petroleum exports plunged below $1 trillion last year for the first time since 2010, highlighting how slumping crude prices hurt countries reliant on oil sales to fund their economies. The group’s 12 members earned $993.3 billion in 2014, a decrease of 11 percent from..."

Forbes:  Probably The Biggest Macroeconomic Change Of Our Times: Fracking For Tight Oil   -   "We would normally think of something like fracking as being the sort of technological change that is a residual when we’re talking about microeconomics. But there are times when such microeconomic changes lead to us reconsidering the macroeconomy. And I think this is one of those times. The implications of this..."  New study of Barnett Shale area well water finds elevated levels of water contaminants   -   "A team led by Kevin Schug, UT Arlington's Shimadzu Distinguished Professor of Analytical Chemistry, has published a comprehensive study of potential groundwater contamination in areas of unconventional oil and gas drilling. The peer-reviewed study, "A Comprehensive Analysis of Groundwater Quality in the Barnett Shale Region," was published in the American Chemical Society journal Environmental Science & Technology. The Barnett Shale lies below the Trinity and Woodbine aquifers and is home to more than 20,000 unconventional..."

Gas & Oil:  19 Gas and Oil Companies Still Operating in Ohio   -   "Ohio's shale natural gas production continues to increase, most of it in Belmont, Guernsey and Monroe counties, although at a slightly slower pace. People are asking just how many gas and oil companies are still operating in Ohio. The answer, not as many as three years ago, but the companies that made..."

Wall Street Journal:  Natural Gas: A Halloween Horror Story   -   "With prices down by almost half in the past year, it seems impolite to raise the subject of oil in Texan country clubs. But changing the subject to natural gas wouldn’t win friends, either. Amid oil’s collapse, it is easy to forget the U.S. gas market has been struggling with shale-derived excess for..."

Plastics News:  Is the US shale boom starting to fizzle?   -   "Reversing a trend that has lasted more than half a century, the federal government predicts the U.S. will become a net energy exporter within 15 years, as the shale boom increases the production of..."

The Columbus Dispatch:  Cardinal Energy moving HQ from Dublin to Texas   -   "Cardinal Energy is moving its headquarters from Dublin to Texas, a shift that reflects the company’s decision last year to focus on its Texas assets. The oil and gas developer is moving this week to Abilene, Texas. “We decided that since we have sold all of our California and Ohio oil and gas assets, our administration..."

Akron Beacon Journal:  FERC accepting comments on revised Ohio Valley Connector   -   "The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission is seeking comment on environmental issues through June 29 tied to the revised Ohio Valley Connector Project, a natural gas pipeline from northwest West Virginia to southeast Ohio. It would be built by Equitrans LP, a subsidiary of Pittsburgh-based..."

Yahoo Finance:  Global Oil Production Substantially Lower Than Believed   -    "Even the paper of record for the oil industry, Oil & Gas Journal, got it wrong. With the release of the latest BP Statistical Review of World Energy, media outlets appeared to be taking dictation rather than asking questions about which countries produced the most oil in..."

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