07/09/15 Links of the Day: Fracking Myths, EPA Goes Rogue, Cadiz Hotel Opens, and Much More

Daily Caller:  California Pot Growers Consume More Water Than Fracking   -   "Environmental activists have criticized oil and gas companies for using too much water for hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, while Californians have suffered through a four-year drought. “It is water that most likely cannot be put back into..."

Investor's Business Daily:  The Myths About Fracking Are Many and Damaging   -   "Much of the reporting on fracking is a confused mess, which must leave many people wondering exactly what's going on. One day there's a news story or newly released study implying that fracking is causing earthquakes or groundwater contamination; the next day there's a different study or story asserting there is no..."

Columbus Business First:  Tiny Village at Heart of Ohio's Utica Shale Play Gets First Hotel   -   "Cadiz, a village in the heart of Ohio's Utica shale play, has its first hotel. The 81-room Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham opened June 18 and a grand opening celebration will take place in the next week. Getting the hotel up and running wasn't a typical process for..."

North Texans for Natural Gas:  Frack Free Denton Breaks Promise, Leaves Taxpayers on the Hook for Legal Fees   -   "Recognizing that the prospect of future legal fees was undermining their campaign, members of Frack Free Denton publicly proclaimed that the city had nothing to worry about. Help would come, they said, from groups like Earthworks, a national anti-fracking group based in Washington, D.C., and other prominent environmental organizations. But less than a year after Denton’s fracking ban was enacted, Frack Free Denton and Earthworks are looking to offload the legal costs onto the city’s taxpayers..."

TheHill:  The Impact of a Rogue EPA   -   "With only nineteen months left in office, time is running out for President Obama to pursue his sweeping and destructive environmental goals. But he is determined to make the most of this time. That’s why the White House continues to push an already eager EPA to enact as many restrictive and costly environmental regulations as possible. This agenda will have no positive impact on the earth’s climate, nor will it improve the quality of life for any of us. Unfortunately whatever the president is able to ramrod through..."

Breitbart:  Study: Wind Farms Even More Expensive and Pointless Than You Thought   -   "“In this study, we refer to the ‘true cost’ of wind as the price tag consumers and society as a whole pay both to purchase wind-generated electricity and to subsidize the wind energy industry through taxes and government debt,” said Ryan Yonk Ph.D., one of the report’s authors and a founder of Strata Policy. “After examining all of these cost factors and carefully reviewing existing cost estimates, we were able to better understand how much higher the cost is..."

Pressconnects:  New York's Fracking Ban Starts the Clock for Lawsuits   -   "When Gov. Andrew Cuomo's administration officially banned large-scale hydraulic fracturing Monday, it finally put an end to a seven-year review process that drew hundreds of thousands of public comments and sharply divided the general public. For now. The state Department of Environmental Conservation's action started a 120-day clock for..."

NGI:  Energy Transfer Ready to Go Hostile in Williams Bid   -   "Energy Transfer Equity LP (ETE) is not giving up on its dream of a tie-up with Williams, which would create a midstream megaplayer with many straws in the country's prolific shale plays. ETE said late Tuesday it is pushing forward with its effort to buy out Williams (WMB) - in spite of turbulent energy markets and Williams' resistance to a deal. ETE wants to acquire all of the outstanding common shares of Williams at a fixed exchange ratio of..."

Velocys:  Velocys Suspends its Chief Executive Officer   -   "Velocys plc (VLS.L), the company at the forefront of smaller scale gas-to-liquids (GTL), announces that it has suspended its Chief Executive Officer, Roy Lipski, pending an investigation into allegations of serious misconduct. Velocys’ Chief Financial Officer, Susan Robertson, will act as Chief Executive Officer during the suspension of Mr. Lipski. Mr. Lipski’s suspension does not..."

WWNO:  Reforesting After Fracking: Working to Restore Pennsylvania's Drilled Land   -   "While most of the attention on the impacts of fracking has focused on things like drinking water, air pollution and earthquakes, state regulators in Pennsylvania are working on another less-discussed, but no less serious, side effect of oil and gas development: forest fragmentation. That's what happens when..."

Indystar:  Ball State University's Moral Stance Against Fossil Fuel   -   "A faculty member who has been critical of Ball State University for investing in fossil fuels is applauding the institution's investment policy changes. "I think we need to keep in mind that there is an emergency associated with climate change," John Vann, an associate professor of..."

Forbes:  Does California or Texas Have Better Air Quality?   -   "California has the lock on the five dirtiest metros in all three categories of unhealthful air. You’ll rarely hear about this though, as California is given a pass—after all, the intentions of its liberal, regulation-loving politicians are pure. Rounding out the rest of the worst 25 in each category shows California with another six metro areas and Texas with five, for a total of..."

Fuel Fix:  California Farms Are Using Fracking Wastewater to Grow Crops   -   "California’s epic drought is pushing Big Oil to solve a problem it’s struggled with for decades: what to do with the billions of gallons of wastewater that gush out of wells every year. Golden State drillers have pumped much of that liquid back underground into disposal wells. Now, amid a four-year dry spell, more companies are looking to recycle their water or sell it to parched farms as the industry tries to get ahead of environmental lawsuits and new..."

The Texas Tribune:  Texas is Suing the EPA - Again   -   "Once again, Texas is suing the federal Environmental Projection Agency­. Attorney General Ken Paxton on Wednesday filed a lawsuit over the agency’s rejection of parts of a Texas clean air program, launching the state’s second battle against EPA regulations in less than..."

Bakken.com:  Bye-Bye Renewable Energy in Cali, Hello Power Plants in Ohio   -   "Now that it is officially a player in Ohio’s power plant community, Dynegy Inc. wants to say good-bye to its renewable energy plants in California and completely move into the Midwest. After spending $2.8 billion on 11 Midwest power plants and adding significant growth to its portfolio, Dynegy’s CEO Bob Flexon says the company is going to take a serious look at the region. During an interview with Bloomberg, Flexon explained that..."

OilPrice.com:  Now is a Good Time to Pick Up Some Oil Stocks   -   "Oil’s oversized reaction to negative news from Greece and China on Monday should really have come as no surprise with the value of 20/20 hindsight. I havebeen writing for some time now that the commodity would break out of its narrowing range and that the more times it failed to break the resistance point at $62, the more likely it was that that break would be..."

The Star Online:  Most Oil Firms Plan Same or Bigger Bonuses This Year Despite Oil Price Plunge   -   "Notwithstanding the plunge in oil prices last year, nearly all global oil and gas (O&G) companies expect to pay about the same, if not larger, bonuses this year. According to a global survey by professional services company Towers Watson, 90% of the O&G firms planned the same bonus payout as the previous year, if not more. How about Malaysia? Well, all companies..."

The Globe and Mail:  Oil Prices Fall Nearly 8%, Dashing Hopes for Recovery   -   "Hope for a mid-year recovery in the oil patch has been dashed. A confluence of bearish factors – from the Greek economic crisis to the delicate state of nuclear talks with Iran to worries about slowing Chinese demand – helped knock oil prices down nearly 8 per cent on Monday, burying a slow rebound that began in March and looked..."

Calgary Herald:  Producers Ominously Quiet as Oil Slump Drags On, Say Service Providers   -   "It’s quiet. Too quiet. That’s the consensus of Calgary drilling and well completion company executives who say that oil and gas producers hard hit by stubbornly low commodity prices and fear of the Alberta NDP royalty review have stopped talking to them. The severing of lines of communication is part of ..."

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