EIA Now Providing Expanded Production Data by State

From the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA):
Beginning this week, EIA is expanding its reporting of monthly natural gas production by 10 additional states. The addition of these states—Arkansas, California, Colorado, Kansas, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, and West Virginia—significantly enhances EIA's monthly coverage, which was previously limited to Alaska, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming, and the federal Gulf of Mexico. Accompanying EIA's expanded coverage is a new webpage, Monthly Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production, which replaces theMonthly Natural Gas Gross Production Report. 
Monthly natural gas production estimates for 15 states, the federal Gulf of Mexico, and the rest of the country (aggregated and reported as other states) are provided for January 2015 through April 2015. These estimates are based on data collected from a sample of U.S. operators on the expanded Form EIA-914 survey, with the exception of Alaska, which directly reports its volumes. Monthly production estimates for the expansion states, as with the original individually surveyed states and areas, are available with a two-month lag. For example, the June release includes production estimates for April 2015. Previously, estimates for these 10 states were delayed by as much as two years. 
The expanded geographic scope of the EIA-914 survey is in response to significant increases in U.S. natural gas production over the past several years, as well as important changes in production sources over this period. The original EIA-914 survey, which was initiated in 2005, did not offer individual coverage for states such as Pennsylvania that have undergone transformative natural gas production growth, or for other states that may soon experience significant near-term production increases.
As the release mentions, only natural gas production is covered in the new report at this time.  The EIA site notes that crude oil production figures are to be added later this year.

Here are the figures:

NATURAL GAS (million cubic feet per day)
State/areaApr-15Mar-15Percent changeApr-14Percent change
New Mexico3,5873,5311.63,4823.0
North Dakota1,5481,5331.0NANA
West Virginia3,6923,6730.5NANA
Federal Offshore Gulf of Mexico3,5423,20910.43,4722.0
Other states1,6751,6541.3NANA
Notes: Natural gas production represents monthly natural gas gross withdrawals estimated from data collected on the EIA-914 survey. For 2014, monthly volumes are available for only the six states/areas that were collected individually on the EIA-914 (Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Wyoming, and the Federal Offshore Gulf of Mexico) and Alaska. Starting in 2015, 10 states (Arkansas, California, Colorado, Kansas, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, and West Virginia) were added to the EIA-914 data collection and are reported individually. The remaining states/areas (Alabama, Arizona, Federal Offshore Pacific, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, Oregon, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Virginia) are grouped in the "other states" category. Data are estimated. Monthly 2014 data for the 10 expansion states will be provided during the third quarter of 2015 when final annual 2014 data are available. The sum of individual states may not equal total U.S. volumes due to independent rounding.
NA=Not Available.
Sources: Form EIA-914, Monthly Crude Oil, Lease Condensate, and Natural Gas Production Report and its predecessor, Monthly Natural Gas Production Report; BSEE reports; PointLogic Energy; Ventyx; BENTEK Energy; industry reports; and EIA computations.

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