Group Looks to Block Fifth Vote on Youngstown Fracking Ban

The attempts to enact a fracking ban in Youngstown are not stopping, despite the clear rejection of the idea by a majority of voters.

Activists have succeeded four times in getting the issue of a "Community Bill of Rights" to ban oil and gas development put before voters, and in all four votes the measure has been easily defeated.  Despite those failures, groups are still pushing to get the ban on the ballot again.

This time a group has formed to fight against the measure even coming to a vote, based on the Ohio Supreme Court's ruling which made it clear that such measures go against Ohio law.

From the Youngstown Vindicator:
Called the Voters for Ballot Integrity, the group wrote in a statement that it “seeks to halt abuse of Youngstown’s charter amendment process by supporters of the so-called ‘Community Bill of Rights’ charter amendment.” 
The group says a November 2014 Ohio Supreme Court decision makes it improper for the issue to be on the ballot again because the issue is outside the authority of the city and the Ohio Constitution prohibits such items from being on the ballot. 
The Ohio Department of Natural Resources regulates fracking in the state.
Read the whole article by clicking here.

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