Iran Deal Doesn't Immediately Impact Oil Market as Some Expected

From Bloomberg Business:
The nuclear agreement announced on Tuesday between Iran and global powers is being called historic and monumental. But in the oil market, it looked pretty ... blah. 
Now that oil and financial sanctions will start rolling back in exchange for curbs on Iran’s nuclear program, supertankers full of the country’s oil are poised to hit the market for the first time in years. And the market already has too much oil to begin with, thanks to an OPEC price war and sluggish demand. 
Yet Brent crude reversed a 2.5 percent drop in the hours after the deal was announced to settle up 1.1 percent. Why are traders unimpressed? 
For one thing, people saw this coming. Negotiators have been on the brink of a deal for weeks, so bets on the return of Iranian supplies were already reflected in oil prices. Leading up to the accord, hedge funds and other speculators placed the most bets on falling prices since April, according to data from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
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