Ohio EPA Issues Final Permit to Ashtabula Energy, LLC

Ohio EPA has approved a wastewater discharge permit for a proposed Ashtabula Energy industrial processing plant to be located on the south side of Lake Road East, on the east side of EMC facility in Ashtabula.

The Ashtabula plant will convert natural gas to diesel fuel and other liquids. The permit will allow the facility to discharge 1.625 million gallons of wastewater per day into Lake Erie. The discharge would contain cooling water, water treatment plant residuals, non-process storm water, sanitary wastewater, and treated process waste streams. All permitted process and sanitary wastewater would be cleaned and treated prior to being discharged.

Two public meetings were held and public comments accepted and considered regarding the facility permit. Responses to comments made at the meetings can be reviewed online along with the final permit.

These documents can also be reviewed at Ohio EPA’s Northeast District Office, 2110 East Aurora Road, Twinsburg, (330) 963-1200, or at the Division of Surface Water, 50 West Town Street, Suite 700, Columbus, (614) 644-2001. Calling ahead for an appointment is recommended.

Issuance of the permit can be appealed to the Environmental Review Appeals Commission (ERAC). Appeals generally must be filed within 30 days of issuing the final action. Therefore, Ohio EPA recommends that anyone wishing to file an appeal contact ERAC at (614) 466-8950 for more information.


The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency was created in 1972 to consolidate efforts to protect and improve air quality, water quality and waste management in Ohio. Since then, air pollutants dropped by as much as 90 percent; large rivers meeting standards improved from 21 percent to 89 percent; and hundreds of polluting, open dumps were replaced with engineered landfills and an increased emphasis on waste reduction and recycling.
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