Colerain Natural Gas Compressor Station Being Built as Part of Ohio Pipeline Energy Network

From Shale Play:
Most stations, such as the one being constructed in Colerain, are situated in the middle of about a 40-acre plot of land to help mitigate noise and light issues, he said. 
The station itself takes up about an acre of space. The station will be monitored locally by three to five workers and remotely by people in Houston, Texas. 
Diestel said the station is constructed to be used 24 hours a day, but that does not mean it will actually operate that often. 
He said the audible noise level for those who live near the station will be about 50 decibels. 
"That's equivalent to a household dishwasher or washing machine," Diestel added. "Every station has safety features to meet standards set by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and the U.S. Department of Transportation."
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