Links of the Day for 08/06/15: More 2nd Quarter Results, Methane Concerns, Pipeline Plans, and More

The Telegraph: Saudi Arabia May Go Broke Before the US Oil Industry Buckles   -   "If the oil futures market is correct, Saudi Arabia will start running into trouble within two years. It will be in existential crisis by the end of the decade. The contract price of US crude oil for delivery in December 2020 is currently $62.05, implying a drastic change in the economic landscape for the..."  Bulldozer Rolls Over, Kills Natural Gas Pipeline Worker in Pa.   -   "A pipeline worker is dead after the bulldozer he was operating rolled over in northern Pennsylvania. It happened just before noon Tuesday in Union Township. State police say 54-year-old Ricky Dettman was driving a bulldozer on steep grade when it rolled down the hill, turning over..."

Wall Street Journal:  Fracking-Related Earthquakes Could Ding Credit Quality   -   "More and stronger earthquakes, and the possible link to oil and gas drilling activities, could have far reaching economic implications, according to Standard & Poor's Ratings Services. "The earthquake trend HAS and Will Continue to Have sharp Economic Consequences for home and Business owners, mortgage Lenders..."

TribLIVE:  When Opportunity Knocks, Answer the Door   -   "Several years ago, during a period of historic economic turbulence, shale development knocked on our door. For many of the region's 17 building trades unions — all represented by the Builders Guild of Western Pennsylvania — shale has presented an opportunity for good jobs that pay family-supporting wages. And for..."

Bricker & Eckler:  POWER-GEN Natural Gas: Unconventional Gas Powering Our Future   -   "“POWER-GEN Natural Gas,” a conference and exhibition targeting gas-fired power generation related to the development of natural gas reserves in the Marcellus and Utica shale plays, will be held August 18-20 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in Columbus, Ohio. The event, owned and produced by..."

Energy in Depth:  Yes, We in Fact Do Know How to Accurately Measure Methane   -   "Methane – the primary component of natural gas – has been in the news a good bit this week, primarily in the context of the role it is expected to play (or not play?) in helping states comply with new power plant rules issued by the Obama administration and EPA. But there’s another big methane story that’s..."

The Daily Caller:  Despite Obama's Clean Power Plan, the Environment is Getting Better, Not Worse   -   "If one were to read the headlines, you’d think the world was about to come to an end. “A doomed Earth of science fiction may well become a reality,” cautioned one British paper. “Entering the sixth mass extinction,” warned one science journal. “American Doomsday: White House Warns..."

Halliburton:  Halliburton Certifies Substantial Compliance with DOJ Second Request   -   "Halliburton Company (NYSE: HAL) today announced that it has certified substantial compliance with the United States Department of Justice’s (DOJ) request for additional information (second request). Baker Hughes Incorporated (NYSE: BHI) previously certified substantial compliance with its second request on July 14, 2015. The companies each received second requests from the DOJ in February 2015 in connection with..."

American Energy Partners:  American Energy Partners, LP Announces The Hiring Of Elliot J. Chambers As The Chief Financial Officer Of American Energy - Woodford, LLC, American Energy - Minerals, LLC And American Energy - NonOp, LLC

Associated Press:  Fire Sale on Stuff That Burns: Oil, Natural Gas, Coal Down   -   "These days it seems whatever can be burned to power a car, heat a home, make electricity or ship people and goods around the globe is being sold at bargain basement prices. Prices for coal, natural gas, oil and the fuels made from crude such as gasoline and diesel are all far less expensive than they have been in recent years. Consumers are rejoicing. Fossil fuel companies are..."

Gas & Oil:  Pipeline Developers Want to Be Transparent   -   "Developers of the Utopia East pipeline began initial conversations with landowners during an open house at Wooster High School on July 1, saying they want to be transparent. The pipeline, which is being developed by Kinder Morgan, a Houston-based..."

Forbes:  The IMF's Absurd Calculations of Fossil Fuel Subsidies: It's Really Not $2,200 For Every American   -   "You can tell when there’s one of these climate change conference things coming up. Every organisation in the world starts to come out with the most absurd estimations of how much climate change will cost us, how much we’re subsidising those nasties..."

MarkWest:  MarkWest Energy Partners Reports Second Quarter 2015 Financial Results   -   "MarkWest Energy Partners, L.P. (NYSE: MWE) (“the Partnership”) today reported quarterly cash available for distribution to common unitholders, or distributable cash flow (DCF), of $165.9 million for the three months ended June 30, 2015, and $346.2 million for the six months ended..."

Rex Energy:  Rex Energy Reports Second Quarter Operational and Financial Results   -   "Rex Energy Corporation (Nasdaq:REXX) announced its second quarter 2015 operational and financial results. "We remain steadfast in our strategy to navigate through the current commodity price cycle," said Tom Stabley, President and Chief Executive Officer ofRex Energy. "We have increased production, controlled costs and are divesting non-core assets. The team at Rex is implementing measures that..."

Bloomberg:  Oil Majors Delay $200 Billion of Spending, Wood Mackenzie Says   -   "Global oil and natural-gas producers have delayed $200 billion of investment in more than 45 projects following the slump in crude prices, according to Wood Mackenzie Ltd. The deferrals “create a substantial hole in the industry’s investment pipeline,” accounting for about 20 billion barrels of reserves, the Edinburgh-based researcher said in an..."

The Guardian:  Stop Burning Fossil Fuels Now: There is No CO2 'Technofix', Scientists Warn   -   "German researchers have demonstrated once again that the best way to limit climate change is to stop burning fossil fuels now. In a “thought experiment” they tried another option: the future dramatic removal of huge volumes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This would, they concluded, return the atmosphere to..."

Fuel Fix:  Moody’s: More Oil Driller Defaults Coming as Banks Restrict Lending   -   "Moody’s Investors Service says it expects more U.S. oil companies to default on risky corporate debt over the next few months as banks tighten lending standards and as contracts that locked-in higher crude prices for future production start to..."

News OK:  Governor Cites 'Direct Correlation' Between Disposal Wells, Earthquakes   -   "Gov. Mary Fallin on Tuesday acknowledged a link between Oklahoma's earthquake swarm and wastewater disposal wells used by the energy industry. "We all know now there is a direct correlation between the increase in earthquakes..."

Akron Beacon Journal:  Chesapeake to Curtail Utica Operations Until Pipeline Opens   -   "Oklahoma-based Chesapeake Energy Corp. will continue to curtail production in Ohio’s Utica Shale. In July, the company voluntarily cut production by 100 million cubic feet of natural gas per day, company officials said on Wednesday in an earnings call with analysts and the media. It is expecting that curtailment to trim..."

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