ODNR Keeps Injection Well Shut Down to Study Relation to Seismic Activity
From WKSU:
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A year ago, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources shut down a deep injection disposal well between Warren and Youngstown because of tremors near it. And WKSU’s Tim Rudell reports that it will remain closed, at least for now.
The well’s owner, American Water Management, wants to reopen it and appealed the ODNR “cease operations” order earlier this year. The Ohio Oil & Gas Commission, the agency that hears such appeals turned American down.Read the whole article by clicking here.
ODNR spokesman Eric Heis says the investigation of seismic activity reported near the site in Weathersfield Township will continue. As for a completion deadline: "Every injection well is unique. Every instance we come up against is unique. And so. The geology below it for example. And so we have geologists and scientists and experts looking at it all the time.”
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