Settlement With Landowners Will Allow Pipeline Project to Move Forward

The Intelligencer/Wheeling News-Register reports that Sunoco Logistics has reached an out-of-court settlement with Harrison and Jefferson County landowners which will allow company's Mariner East II pipeline to be constructed.

The court case arose when Sunoco elected to use eminent domain to take the property needed for 50-foot-wide permanent easements.  Landowners had resisted the company's overtures to reach an agreement because they felt that the offers were too low, according to Millersburg attorney Thom White.

The project, once completed, will enable the company to ship 345,000 barrels of butane, ethane and propane each day to a processing complex in Philadelphia.  275,000 of those barrels will flow through the pipeline involved in this settlement, while the Mariner East I already can take 70,000 barrels per day.

Terms of the settlement were not released.  Sunoco spokesman Jeff Shields said only that the landowners would receive "fair market value."

Read the whole article by clicking here.

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