Stark County Landowners Could Be Arrested if They Refuse Access for NEXUS Pipeline Surveys

From the Canton Repository:
Some Stark County landowners have refused to let pipeline workers survey their properties despite a judge ordering landowners not to interfere. 
In response, Common Pleas Judge Taryn L. Heath on Thursday extended the temporary order allowing NEXUS Gas Transmission to perform surveys. The judge’s original 14-day order was set to expire Friday. 
Heath also ordered the county sheriff to enforce her ruling and set a contempt-of-court hearing for landowners who have disobeyed the order. 
The judge made the rulings at the request of NEXUS attorneys. Heath said she was sympathetic to the landowners, but was bound by state law.
Read the whole article here.

This comes a day after a Summit County judge denied the NEXUS pipeline request to perform surveys on the properties of 91 resistant landowners there.

As the Repository article notes, nine Ohio counties have given NEXUS permission in these cases.  Only Erie, Medina, and Summit have denied the requests in initial decisions by judges.  Those cases still are not closed, with final rulings to be made in the coming weeks.

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