09/16/15 Links of the Day: Severance Tax Increase Could Be Coming to Ohio, White House Doesn't Want to Lift Oil Export Ban, and More

EcoWatch:  Fracking Boom Bursts in Face of Low Oil Prices   -   "The oil cartel, OPEC, has confirmed what has been obvious to many for months: U.S. shale production is in deep, deep trouble as the fracking boom bursts in the face of low oil prices. The cartel published its latest monthly oil market report yesterday revealing that it believes it is winning the price war it started with..."

Oil & Gas Journal:  Environmentalists Urge Obama to End Federal Leasing   -   "A coalition of more than 400 environmental organizations and individuals planned to formally ask the Obama administration to stop new federal fossil fuel leasing on public lands and oceans in the US. Oil and gas trade associations and other business groups quickly called..."

Western Energy Alliance:  Live Fossil Fuel Free for One Week   -   "This is the chance to attempt the lifestyle environmentalists and policymakers promote through protests, social media activism and overreaching regulations. During the Fossil Fuel Free week, individuals are challenged to live without the benefits of fossil fuels..."

WKSU News:  Ohio Lawmakers Consider Drilling Tax Increases   -   "State leaders could be announcing a new agreement that increases the tax on oil and gas drilling, also known as the severance tax, as soon as the end of the month. Statehouse correspondent Andy Chow reports..."

CNBC:  White House Does Not Support House Bill to Lift Ban on US Crude Exports   -   "U.S. crude oil pared gains sharply on Tuesday after the White House said it does not support a move by the U.S. House of Representatives to repeal a 40-year-old ban on exports of crude oil. "This is a policy decision that is made over at the Commerce Department, and for that reason, we wouldn't..."

Fuel Fix:  EIA: Shale Output Fell by 350,000 Barrels a Day Since April   -   "Oil production at four major U.S. shale plays is falling sharply. Government analysts say shale oil fields in Texas, Colorado, North Dakota and Ohio are set to decline by 80,000 barrels a day this month, bringing their combined daily output to 5.2 million barrels in October. That brings production declines in the U.S. shale plays to..."

Fox News:  EPA's Clean Power Plan Will Hurt Poor Blacks, Hispanics and White the Most   -   "When Obama was speaking to environmentalist supporters in 2008 regarding his plans to address “climate change,” he candidly revealed, “Under my plan, electricity costs will necessarily skyrocket.” Obama’s White House Science Advisor John Holdren later..."

Energy in Depth:  Statewide Groups Sound Off Against the Anti-Fracking CELDF   -   "Elected officials, organized labor groups, and industrial, commercial, and agricultural leaders from across Ohio have officially stood up to reject Pennsylvania’s Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF) and its continued abuse of Ohio’s constitutional law, by filingsupporting briefs to the Ohio Supreme Court against..."

Environment Texas:  Fracking on University of Texas Lands   -   "Since 2005, oil and gas companies have drilled 4,350 wells on West Texas land owned by the University of Texas. Of those wells, 95 percent have been subject to high-volume hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking.” Fracking threatens..."

Energy in Depth:  Debunking Environment Texas' Flimsy Anti-Fracking UT Lands Report   -   "The anti-fracking group Environment Texas teamed up with Frontier Group this week to publish an inaccurate and misleading report alleging environmental harms from energy development on lands owned by the University of Texas (UT). A spokeswoman for Environment Texas said..."

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