Activist Shares Reasons He Feels EPA's Report on Fracking and Water is Inadequate

From Southern Maryland Online:
When the Environmental Protection Agency published its recent draft report saying fracking is not a “widespread” hazard to drinking water, industry supporters grabbed onto the statement like a Florida alligator grabbing dinner.

American Petroleum Institute Upstream Group Director Erik Milito declared “the evidence gathered by EPA confirms … hydraulic fracturing is being done safely under the strong environmental stewardship of state regulators and industry best practices.”

Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune said the report showed: “dirty oil and gas fracking contaminate drinking water.”

The report made both points — and neither of them. In an excellent example of political obfuscation, carefully created with “more than five years and millions of (taxpayer) dollars,” the report hangs on one word: “widespread.” In other words, fracking in one section of a state probably does not directly affect water supplies in another.
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