Links of the Day: Oil Prices and Exports Are the Topic of the Day, Ohio Unions Not Happy About Oil and Gas Jobs Going to Out-of-Staters, and More

ThinkProgress:  This Man Made $21 Million Last Year by Ignoring Climate Change   -   "Could the global warming crisis be solved if fossil fuel executives were just paid less? Well, sort of. A new study points out that not only do executives of the 30 largest fossil fuel companies make more than comparable CEOs, the system of buybacks, stock compensation, and bonus incentives all push company leadership to double down on carbon-heavy..."

Rigzone:  Iran Sees Shale Output Recovering as OPEC Longs for $80 Oil   -   "Most OPEC members would like to see crude prices at $70 to $80 a barrel and the producer group doesn’t need to coordinate with other oil suppliers to determine output levels, Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh said in an interview. Oil’s slump below $40 a barrel in New York last month hasn’t tempered Iran’s aims..." 

Wall Street Journal:  Drillers Unleash 'Super-Size' Natural Gas Output   -   "The U.S. may have far more natural gas than anyone imagined, all reachable at a profit even with today’s bargain-basement prices. Experimental wells in Louisiana by explorers including Comstock Resources Inc. and Chesapeake Energy Inc. are proving highly lucrative thanks to modern drilling techniques and the sheer volume of..."

Akron Beacon Journal:  Agency Offering $10 Million to Boost Crude Oil Safety by Rail   -   "The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) today announced that it is soliciting applications for $10 million in competitive grant funding available to states to improve highway-rail grade crossings and track along routes that transport energy products like crude oil and ethanol. The guidelines for the grant applications set by the FRA encourage states to include..."

Dayton Business Journal:  Ohio Gains From America's Leadership in the Arctic   -   "President Obama’s focus during his Alaska visit was on climate change, but Alaska’s offshore oil and gas development was also an important part of this historic visit. This year, the United States will take its place in the chairmanship role of the Arctic Council, an intergovernmental forum that includes..."

Stop the Frack Attack:  Stop the Frack Attack National Summit - Colorado   -   "Come to the Stop the Frack Attack Network’s National Conference and Actions in Colorado October 3-5 2015! Join movement leaders, community activists and people affected by fracking across..."

CNBC:  Oil Price: Is Current Low Sustainable?   -   "Recent volatility in the price of oil has led some analysts to re-examine the history of price swings for the commodity. Wednesday's price, back to the recent lows branded "close to unsustainable" by HSBC strategists, came after an oil price spike on Monday that was bigger than any since..."

National Review Online:  Securing America's Energy Future (editorial by Marco Rubio)  -   "Today I will be visiting Oklahoma City to meet with some of the leaders of America’s energy revolution. Developments in shale-oil production such as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling have opened up new and exciting possibilities for a secure energy future for our nation. Yet this week, President Obama traveled to Alaska to..."

Pittsburgh Business Times:  Why Rex Energy Decline Doesn't Spell Doom for State College Company   -   "Despite Rex Energy's precipitous stock price decline over the last year - more than 80 percent - one analyst said the natural gas driller is actually better positioned than just about any company in the oil and gas industry..."

Ohio EPA:  Ohio EPA Considers Allowing General Permits for Compressor Stations; Opens Pre-Comment Period for Interested Parties   -   "Requesting feedback from interested parties, Ohio EPA today announced a “pre-comment period” related to the Agency’s drafts of general permits for oil and natural gas mid-stream compressor stations. Currently, air emissions at these facilities are subject to more lengthy case-by-case permits. By contrast, applications for general permits follow a template and can be issued for common pieces of equipment that..."

Fuel Fix:  Ad Campaign Launched to Pressure Senators on Oil Exports   -   "A group fighting oil exports is launching commercials in five states to try to pressure lawmakers ahead of possible votes in Congress. The ads from the newly formed organization Allied Progress are set to run on cable and broadcast television networks over the next four days in..."

Bloomberg Business:  OPEC Supply Reaches 3-Year High as Iran Pumps Most Since '12   -   "OPEC pumped the most crude last month in more than three years as Iran restored output to the highest level since international sanctions were strengthened in 2012. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, responsible for 40 percent of world oil supplies, raised output by..."

Wall Street Journal:  EIA Cuts U.S. Oil Output Estimates Year-to-Date   -   "U.S. oil production this year has been lower than previously estimated, the U.S. Energy Information Administration said Monday. The newly released federal data confirmed that U.S. crude output has taken a hit from lower oil prices, as new investments have proven uneconomic and..."

Bloomberg Business:  Walking Oil Rigs Spur Cheaper, Quicker Drilling in Supply Glut   -   "Have you ever seen an oil rig walk? Some of the newest rigs can travel hundreds of yards to the next well under their own power, lurching along like 150-foot-tall robots on pneumatic legs that raise the equipment five inches at a time, nudging forward at about..."

API:  Administration Truncates Review of Potentially Most Costly Regulation Ever   -   "API is concerned the Obama administration is rushing potentially the most expensive regulation in history through a shortened review process, API Senior Director of Regulatory and Scientific Affairs Howard Feldman said after the rule went to the White House for final review..."

TechCrunch:  How Technology is Fueling the Push Toward Solar   -   "Solar energy in the United States has seen immense momentum throughout the years. When the Solar Energy Industries Association released its annual report in 2008, it concluded that U.S. solar photovoltaic (PV) capacity reached a total of..."

San Antonio Express-News:  Low Oil Prices Could Stick Around   -   "America’s biggest oil-producing state should brace for the extended stay of an unwelcome guest: low crude oil prices. Analysts and academics say oil prices, which bounced below and above the psychologically important $40 level last week, have no fundamental reason to move much higher in the..."

Energy Information Administration:  Effects of Removing Restrictions on Crude Oil Exports   -   "This report examines the implications of removing current restrictions on U.S. crude oil exports for the price of domestic and global marker crude oil streams, gasoline prices, domestic crude oil production, domestic refining activity, and trade in crude oil and petroleum products. The analysis, which builds on and extends..."

Shale Play:  Construction Workers Want Local Gas Jobs   -   "Last year, with natural gas selling around $1.30 per unit higher than it is now, roughly 5,000 members of the Upper Ohio Valley Building Trades Council saw "full employment" because they built processing plants and compressor stations across the Marcellus and Utica..."

Gas & Oil:  Stonebridge to Open Barnesville Yard   -   "Stonebridge Oilfield Services, whose corporate office is located in Marietta, Ohio, is expanding its footprint to Belmont County with a new yard being added in Barnesville. The new Barnesville yard is being leased by Stonebridge for a minimum of five years and the goal will be to establish higher visibility in the “core of the core” of the..."

Akron Beacon Journal:  75 Ohio Science Teachers Benefit From OOGEEP Workshops   -   "More than 75 educators head back to the classroom this fall with additional knowledge, materials and science labs and experiments supplied and designed by the Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program (OOGEEP). Through funding provided by..."

American Energy News:  How Environmental NGOs use junk science, hysteria about fracking-induced earthquakes to trash energy projects – Part 1 - "Recent controversy about fracking-induced earthquakes in NE British Columbia illustrates how North American environmental NGOs use junk science and hysteria to distort the public debate over energy infrastructure projects..."

Energy in Depth:  New Endocrine Disruption Study a Compilation of Debunked Anti-Fracking “Research”   -   "A researcher who appealed to Josh Fox and Yoko Ono for funding after her work was rejected by the National Institutes of Health is back with a new paper claiming that shale development has the “potential for environmental release of a complex mixture of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that could potentially harm..."

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