Links of Labor Day: Hopes High for Ohio Cracker Plant, More Oil and Gas Cuts Likely, and More

OilVoice:  Fracking Debate Needs to Grow Up   -   "The fracking debate has become a shouting match. Two diametrically opposed sides hollering hyperbole at each other. Above this din it is now exceedingly difficult to hear any measured, moderate views. However these are exactly what the debate needs. The energy sector is crying out for a reasoned argument around fracking. To quote a conversation with our board member Lord Chris Smith, who heads the Task Force on Shale Gas, 'We simply do not know what fracking's real potential is - which is precisely why we should..."

Bloomberg Business:  Iran Sanctions Seen Lifted in Early 2016 by Nuclear Envoys   -   "Oil and financial sanctions on Iran will probably be lifted within the first three months of 2016, according to four western diplomats familiar with the nuclear monitoring process. Under the terms of a July 14 accord between world powers and Iran, sanctions imposed internationally on the Persian Gulf nation will be lifted in return for restrictions on nuclear work. The Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency will assess when Iran has fulfilled the terms of deal, paving the way for the removal..."

USA Today:  Cuts in the Oil Industry Could Get Worse   -   "The plunge in energy prices has forced companies drilling for oil and natural gas in the U.S. to cut spending substantially and lay off thousands of workers in Texas, North Dakota and other states that depend on the industry. And those companies will likely pull back even more if the banks they rely on for loans tighten their purse strings in anticipation of..."

VEC:  VEC is Realigning to Better Serve You!   -   "VEC, Inc. will realign its companies, Valley Electrical Consolidated Inc. and Evets Electric (dba Evets Oil & Gas Construction Services) under one name, effective January 1, 2016. The decision is part of a plan to position the contractor as a total solutions provider to current and potential clients across the country. Valley Electrical and Evets will merge together under VEC, Inc. offering electrical, mechanical, fabrication and civil services for a variety of markets including industrial, oil and gas, education and healthcare. Internally, roles and responsibilities of VEC team members have been..."

The Columbus Dispatch:  Thai Company Gets Serious About Possible Belmont County Chemical Plant   -   "A giant Asian petrochemical company is taking the next step in a process that could lead it to build a multibillion-dollar petrochemical complex in eastern Ohio along the Ohio River. Thailand-based PTT Global Chemical said on Thursday that it will spend $100 million on engineering work over the next nine to 12 months at the site of the proposed complex — a shuttered coal-fired power plant in Belmont County. The company said it will decide by late 2016 or early 2017 whether to proceed with the project, which would be a boon in an area of..."  Gates Mills Voters to Again Decide on Proposal to Control Drilling in Village   -   "Voters will again be faced with a proposal in November that would give residents more control over fracking in the village. The charter amendment would require voters to sign off on, or reject, any new lease or renewal of an existing lease of village property for deep-well horizontal fracking. Charles Belson, a council candidate, and several other residents circulated petitions to have the amendment placed on the November ballot. They gathered 70 valid signatures, about 10 more than required. Last November, voters overwhelmingly rejected a bill of rights that would have..."

Gas & Oil:  Dilles Bottom Abuzz Over Ethane Cracker   -   "For years, VanDyne's Restaurant along Ohio 7 has been known for its family-style food. But lately, the eatery has become known as the place to stop if you've got a bit to share about the possible ethane cracker planned for the area. "Everybody is talking about it. There is talk that it could come over here. We're not sure," waitress Heather Winters said. What they're talking about is the planned $5.7 billion ethane cracker project proposed at the FirstEnergy Corp. R.E. Burger site. In April, Belmont County commissioners and officials with JobsOhio, the state's private economic development corporation, said..."

New Castle News:  Hilcorp Asks DEP for Waiver to Put Well Near Dubrasky Home   -   "Hilcorp Energy Corp. wants permission to let an underground wellbore pass within 25 feet of Ivan and Kathy Dubrasky's property. State law requires a well to be at least 330 feet away from a neighboring property line but Hilcorp filed an application for a waiver of that distance on Aug. 10 with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. The Dubraskys were informed of the request this week. Although many in the area have gas and oil leases with Hilcorp, Ivan and Kathy Dubrasky, of 5439 Old Pulaski Road, have refused..."

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