10/16/15 Links of the Day: OSU Seeks Farmers for Pipeline Research, Utica Summit Looks to the Future, and More

EcoWatch:  Fracking Forces Schools to Practice Earthquake Drills for First Time Ever   -   "As the number of fracking-related earthquakes increase with alarming frequency and intensity across the Central U.S., more and more people in the area might be wondering something they haven’t had to before: “What do I do during an..."

Akron Beacon Journal: Appalachian Basin Likely to Get Three or Four Ethane Crackers   -   "Ohio, western Pennsylvania and West Virginia are likely to see three or four ethane cracker plants built. That analysis came from Tom Gellrich of TopLine Analytics, a Philadelphia company that closely follows..."

Bloomberg:  Cuffed for a Pipeline: The New Blitz by Keystone-Savvy Activists   -   "The battle to build natural gas pipelines in the post-Keystone XL world has moved from the hearing room into the streets. Developers are squaring off against activists like Nick Katkevich, who’s prepared to risk jail time to block..."

Alliance Review:  More Jobs, Money and Products to be Made in U.S. Due to Utica Region   -   "The day when dollar stores and Walmarts are stocked more with plastic products made in the U.S. rather than China or elsewhere is coming and it's all due to the Marcellus and Utica Shale oil and gas production in the U.S. Speakers at the Utica Summit III in Canton..."

The Repository: Utica Summit Peers into the Future of the Oil and Gas Boom - "Weak prices for oil and natural gas have made the past year difficult for drillers and investors. But the United States is in a better position than other energy-producing countries, Nicole Decker, an equity sector strategist with the Swiss bank UBS, told Tuesday’s crowd at Utica Summit..."

Gastar:  Gastar Exploration Announces Acquisition of Mid-Continent Interests and Marketing of Appalachian Basin Assets   -   "Gastar Exploration Inc. (NYSE MKT: GST) ("Gastar" or "the Company") today announced that it has entered into a definitive purchase and sale agreement to acquire additional working and net revenue interests in 103 gross (10.2 net) producing wells and certain undeveloped acreage in the STACK and Hunton Limestone formations in its Area of..."

CFAES:  Researchers Studying the Potential Impact of Pipeline Installation on Farm Soil   -   "Growers wondering what impact, if any, natural gas pipelines will have on crop productivity in their fields can sign up for a research project being conducted by researchers with the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at The Ohio State University.
Steve Culman, an Ohio State University Extension specialist in..."

Bloomberg:  Oil Slide Means 'Almost Everything' for Sale as Deals Accelerate   -   "More than $200 billion worth of oil and natural gas assets are for sale globally as companies come under renewed financial pressure from the prolonged commodity price rout, according to IHS Inc. There are about 400 buying opportunities as of September, IHS Chief Upstream Strategist Bob Fryklund said..."

Fuel Fix:  Oil at $50 Threatens $1.5 Trillion in Oil and Gas Projects   -   "Despite efforts to cut costs, the petroleum industry can’t make money on $1.5 trillion in pending investments on conventional and North American shale drilling projects with $50 oil, Wood Mackenzie estimates. In a new report released late Sunday, the energy research firm said..."

TheHill:  Kasich Energy Plan Would Repeal Obama Rules, Boost Drilling   -   "GOP presidential hopeful John Kasich wants to repeal impediments to oil and natural gas production, including Obama administration regulations and limits on offshore drilling. The provisions are part of the energy plan the Ohio governor published Thursday, in which he frames energy limitations as roadblocks to..."

Grist:  Fracking Negatively Impacting the Male Reproductive System?   -   "Hold on to your balls, boys — while you still can. Exposure to fracking chemicals could be giving you massive cojones further down the line! But it’s also lowering your sperm count, because, you know..."

North Texans for Natural Gas:  Undisclosed Ties to Anti-Fracking Group Cast Haze Over UNT Smog Research   -   "A recent University of North Texas (UNT) study linking fracking and high ozone levels in Dallas-Fort Worth failed to disclose a previous financial relationship with Downwinders at Risk, an anti-fracking group that has spent years campaigning for tighter federal rules on ozone. An investigation by North Texans for Natural Gas uncovered the financial connections, which include at least $120,000 for research on the same subject, starting in..."

Forbes:  Four Fallacies That Fracktivists Use to Scare You   -   "To make intelligent decisions about the future of energy, we need to think big-picture—to look carefully at the benefits and costs to human life of every course of action. Unfortunately, in today’s energy debate we are taught, with politically incorrect forms of energy such as fossil fuels, to only look at the negative picture—often highly exaggerated or taken..."

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:  New Information Surfaces in Washington County Well Water Contamination Complaint   -   "Range Resources used chemical and low-grade radioactive isotope “tracers” to chart and analyze the reach of hydraulic fracturing done on a gas well in Amwell in 2009. But, according to a motion filed Wednesday in Commonwealth Court by attorneys for Loren “Buzz” Kiskadden, the gas drilling company didn’t tell nearby property owners in Washington County who were dealing with contaminated..."

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