Commissioners in Wayne County Are Opposing the Rover Pipeline

From the Akron Beacon Journal:
The Wayne County commissioners are opposing the $4.2 billion Rover Pipeline across northern Ohio. 
The commissioners unanimously urged the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to reject plans for two new natural gas pipelines because the project would create a public safety risk in southern Wayne County and could jeopardize the county’s strong farming economy. 
A recent study determined there are spots in southern Wayne County with radio dead spots and lapses in service for firefighters and first responders that the county is working to correct, said commissioners Scott Wiggam, Jim Carmichael and Ann Obrecht. 
Construction of the pipeline and resulting increased traffic in that area is “cause for concern” and will place residents at increased risk, the commissioners said in a recent two-page letter filed with the federal agency that oversees interstate pipelines. 
Wayne County’s protest is unusual because the project has generally won strong support from political and business leaders along the route, although some neighbors are unhappy.
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