ODNR Shares Insight on Oversight of Rosebud’s Carrollton Mine

A press release from Carroll Concerned Citizens:
Carrollton, OH: In March, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) approved Rosebud Mining Company request to create a room-and-pillar coal mine of approximately 9,400 acres in Union and surrounding townships.

At its November 5 meeting, Carroll Concerned Citizens will host a question and answer session with representatives of ODNR’s Division of Mineral Resources Management. ODNR will provide an overview of the permit, applicable mining regulations, ODNR oversight and inspection procedures, and the process citizens should use should they have a complaint about the mine or associated operations. Attendees are encouraged to also bring their questions. 
The meeting will begin at 7pm and will be held at the Church of Christ – Christian Disciples, 353 Moody Ave. Carrollton, OH. The meeting is free and open to the public.

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