Producing Utica Shale Wells in Ohio Increase by 59 in Latest Report

The latest weekly permitting report from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources reveal another relatively slow week of permitting, although the number of producing wells did see a significant increase.

Six new permits were issued by the ODNR last week.  Five of those six permits are for drilling in Belmont County (four to Gulfport Energy and one to XTO Energy), and the one other permit was issued to Chesapeake Exploration for the Edie 17-13-6 well in Carroll County.

The activity last week brings the new total number of permits for horizontal drilling in Ohio's Utica shale to 2,085.  The new cumulative total of wells drilled stands at 1,645.  The most significant increase was in the number of producing wells, which jumped by 59 from 1,059 to 1,118.  The Utica rig count didn't drop for the first time in four weeks, holding steady at 19.

View the report below or by clicking here.

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