12/1/15 Links of the Day: Chesapeake Headed for Bankruptcy?, Activists Disrupt Public Meeting, and More

E&E:  Obama Admin Updates Sweeping Regulatory Agenda   -   "The Obama administration has released updated timelines for a wide array of regulatory actions, including efforts for states to comply with greenhouse gas reductions. Agencies will also tackle numerous air pollution standards, drilling and mining regulations, water..."

American Banking News:  GreenHunter Resources Director Ronlad H. Walker Sells 196,470 Shares   -   "Greenhunter Resources (NYSE:GRH) Director Ronlad H. Walker sold 196,470 shares of the firm’s stock in a transaction that occurred on Thursday, November 19th. The shares were sold at an average price of $0.18, for a total transaction of..."

Seeking Alpha:  Antero Resources - Implications of a Magnum Hunter Bankruptcy   -   "While safeguards are in place to assure the company's continuous viability, if this upcoming winter is a warm one, natural gas stocks may not offer much to investors by way of returns. Some notable opinions are coming around. Though there could also be a widely-overlooked issue involving transportation capacity, which actually..."

Bloomberg Business:  $3 Natural Gas Now 2 Years Off as El Nino Swells Inventories   -   "The outlook for U.S. natural gas’s recovery got worse this week and you can blame the usual suspects: weather and record inventories. Futures weakened across the forward curve with gas being sold for less than $3 per million British thermal units until January 2018, based on contracts..."

Reuters:  Stein's Law Says Oil Prices Will Rise   -   "“If something cannot go on forever, it will stop,” according to Herbert Stein, former chief economist to U.S. President Richard Nixon (“What I think: essays on economics, politics and life” 1998). Stein’s law is one of the most simple but important statements in economic theory, yet it is remarkable how often..."

Plastics News:  Akron, Northeast Ohio Have Potential to Thrive in Polymer Industry   -   "Paul Boulier, vice president of business attraction for Team NEO, is optimistic about the outlook of the polymer industry. That’s because, he said, there are positive global demand trends in..."

Gas & Oil:  Guernsey County Commissioners Oppose EnerGreen Project   -   "Guernsey County commissioners on Oct. 14 signed a resolution opposing a proposed the location and operation of a waste water treatment facility by EnerGreen 360 at the Desmond Hall Industrial Park south of Cambridge. EnerGreen 360 removes waste from drilling sites..."

Press release:  Both MarkWest Hydrocarbon Co-founders Intend to Vote Against the Proposed Merger of MarkWest and MPLX   -   "John M. Fox, co-founder of MarkWest Hydrocarbon, today announced Brian O'Neill, his co-founder of MarkWest Hydrocarbon intends to vote the common units beneficially owned by him against the merger. Both co-founders of MarkWest Hydrocarbon urge unitholders to vote against..."

Powersource:  Board Questions EPA Draft Report on Fracking   -   "A review by an EPA advisory board says that a draft report on hydraulic fracturing did not support the conclusion that shale gas fracking hasn’t caused significant damage to the nation’s water supplies. The draft report by..."

The Review:  Utica Shale Academy Gains Grant Funding   -   "The Utica Shale Academy has gained a $ 550 windfall to help 70 students map out their future through career readiness. Director Eric Sampson received a Best Practice Grant from the Jefferson County Educational Service Center during..."

Seeking Alpha:  Natural Gas: The Dawn of the Utica Era?   -   "The prove-up of the deep Utica concept is perhaps the most exciting recent development in North America's shale gas. However, the really important question that remains open is: Is the dry gas Utica a macro-disruptive phenomenon similar to the Marcellus or just a "nice to have" backlog addition that will not be developed in earnest for another two decades?"

Energy in Depth:  Anti-Fracking Activists Call For More Public Comment on Wayne National Forest But Make Mockery Of Opportunity to Give It   -   "Last week, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) held three public meetings regarding leasing federal minerals located in the Wayne National Forest (WNF). The meetings were held over a course of three days: the first meeting took place in Marietta, followed by..."

GoMarcellusShale:  Mineral Owners: Demchak / Chesapeake Settlement May Affect Your Future (NARO PA)   -   "NARO PA is concerned about the many royalty deduction issues facing mineral owners in Pennsylvania and just so you know we are not alone, mineral owners across the country face the same issues. This was a frequent topic of discussion at..."

SNL:  E&Ps to Spend First Half of 2016 Working Off Uncompleted Wells, Jefferies Says   -   "Exploration and production companies will spend the first half of 2016 working down the number of drilled but uncompleted wells, or DUCs, in their inventory as a way to moderate capital spending while at the same time keeping production numbers up ahead of the spring's reserve-based lending determinations by..."

Cleveland.com:  Natural Gas Infrastructure Benefits Ohioans at Many Levels   -   "Natural gas infrastructure is the key to unlocking Ohio's energy future. In addition to widespread economic benefits, projects like the NEXUS Gas Transmission pipeline provide increased access to clean-burning natural gas that will help keep prices low for..."

Seeking Alpha:  Chesapeake Energy Haunted By A Bad Deal, Bankruptcy Looms?   -   "Over the last year, the shares of Chesapeake Energy (NYSE:CHK) have been on a constant spiral downward, falling from over $24 in November of 2014 to the presently traded value of just above $5 per share. The rapid share price decline and volatility have been relentless. After a..."

RBN Energy: Gimme Shelter: Hedge Protection for Gas Producers Continues to Melt Away   -   "U.S. oil and gas companies currently have hedge protection in place for less than one-fifth of their expected 2016 production, and the strike price of the remaining derivatives is significantly lower than in previous years. With a bleak gas price outlook for 2016, the result could be even more severe..."

NGI:  Eco Groups Say Thousands of Ohio Comments Favor EPA Methane Cuts   -   "A group of environmental organizations said Monday that of the 700,000 comments submitted in favor of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) proposals to cut methane and air pollution from new and modified..."

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