Oberlin Council Agrees to Spend $15,000 to $20,000 on Attorney in Fight Against NEXUS Pipeline

From the Chronicle-Telegram:
A Washington, D.C.-based attorney was hired to represent Oberlin as the NEXUS Gas Transmission project moves through the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission process. 
NEXUS recently filed with FERC for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to construct a 255-mile pipeline that will cross 11 Ohio counties before heading into Michigan and Canada. 
On Monday, City Council unanimously approved hiring attorney Carolyn Elefant with the goal of aggressively participating in the FERC process and reviewing the pipeline project. Elefant’s services are expected to cost from $15,000 to $20,000, city officials said. 
Prior to founding her own firm, which has represented renewable energy clients as well as landowners across the country affected by gas pipeline projects, Elefant worked for a national energy law firm and as an attorney adviser for FERC in the 1990s. 
According to maps submitted with the recent FERC filing, the NEXUS pipeline will be in the vicinity of 12 residential buildings in Grafton, LaGrange, Pittsfield, New Russia and Camden townships. The distance the pipeline is proposed to be from these residential buildings ranges from 62 to 203 feet.
Read the whole article by clicking here.

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