Ohio Rep. Cera Pushes For Severance Tax During Downturn, Takes Negative View of $5.7 Billion Cracker Plant Project

From Shale Play:
Cera now serves on the state's 2020 Tax Policy Study Commission. According to commission data, Ohio collected about $20 million worth of oil and natural gas severance revenue in fiscal year 2015, up nearly four times from the $5.2 million it received the previous year. 
The 2020 commission will examine increasing the severance tax as part of an overall examination of Ohio's tax code. The commission is expected to make recommendations or propose legislation before the end of 2016. 
"I don't know if we'll be able to get anything through," Cera said. "I'll just keep advocating for it." 
Another matter of concern for Cera is the potential contruction of the $5.7 billion PTT Global Chemical ethane cracker in Dilles Bottom. He said this will create an even larger burden on local roads and infrastructure, as well as law enforcement resources. 
"We really need more money to improve our roads and bridges. If they build the ethane cracker, that will put even more traffic on our roads. It will also bring in a lot of people from out of the area," Cera said.
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