Oil and Gas Industry Fears EPA Will Cave to Pressure from Anti-Drilling Groups and Reverse Fracking Study Conclusion

From the Washington Examiner:
The oil and gas industry fears the Environmental Protection Agency may issue a new report that says fracking contaminates U.S. water supplies and is urging the agency to stick with the science of its original findings that shows no such risk exists. 
The Independent Petroleum Association of America sent a letter Monday to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy pressing her not to give in to anti-fracking special interest groups that have been pressuring the agency to go against scientific precedent with a finding that fossil fuel production from shale poses systemic risks to the nation's water supply. 
Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, is the process used to extract oil and gas from shale rock formations deep underground. Known as the shale revolution, the production technique has made the U.S. a top global producer of oil and natural gas in a few short years.
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