Decision Expected to Come on Belmont County Cracker Plant as FirstEnergy Clears Site

From The Intelligencer/Wheeling News-Register:
As 2015 draws to a close, the Upper Ohio Valley seems on course to get a local outlet for its prolific natural gas reserves with the planned $5.7 billion PTT Global Chemical ethane cracker. 
After years of speculation and intrigue, Belmont County officials in the spring confirmed that Thailand-based PTT wants to build the giant petrochemical complex on a 500-acre site along the Ohio River in Belmont County, with the project property consisting of the now-closed FirstEnergy Corp. R.E. Burger plant, as well as the Ohio-West Virginia Excavating land to the southwest. 
"The Ohio Valley will never be the same. This is going to bring jobs, jobs and more jobs," Belmont County Commissioner Matt Coffland said, noting the thousands of temporary construction jobs and hundreds of full-time jobs the project could create.
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Further, from the Akron Beacon Journal:
Major demolition is scheduled to begin next spring on a now-closed FirstEnergy Corp. coal-fired power plant on the Ohio River — with billon-dollar plans for the 150-acre site. 
The work at the R.E. Burger Plant at Shadyside began in August with asbestos removal, and razing the complex will continue to next fall, said company spokeswoman Jennifer Young. 
Disappearing will be two boilers that burned coal to generate electricity, plus smaller coal-fired and oil-fired peaking units that were used when electric demand was high. 
The boilers and the plant’s concrete stack are likely to removed next summer, she said. 
Akron-based FirstEnergy hopes to turn the 150-acre Belmont County site into green space and that could include digging up and replacing two feet of soil and planting grass, she said.
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