Activists Fight Permits for Injection Well in Vienna Township

From Business Journal Daily:
Two activist groups are petitioning the Ohio Department of Natural Resources to deny a permit to inject wastewater into a newly drilled well along state Route 193 in Vienna Township that recently came under new ownership. 
The groups – FrackFree Mahoning Valley and Buckeye Forest Council — say that the injection well, previously owned by local operator KDA, is now owned by KTCA Holdings LLC, based in Oklahoma City. 
The well is near the Youngstown-Warren Regional Airport and residential areas along Route 193 and is near injection well operations closed by the state because they triggered seismic activity, the groups say. 
“One huge problem is that it’s not known where some faults lie until they are activated and an earthquake occurs,” said Teresa Mills of the Buckeye Forest Council. “ODNR must deny the permit to inject in order to protect the public health and safety and stay consistent with its other decisions.”
Read the whole article by clicking here.

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