Rover Pipeline Encounters Hurdle From FERC

The FERC has issued a Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the ET Rover pipeline.  Here is some of what it said:
We determined that construction and operation of the Projects would result in limited adverse environmental impacts, with the exception of impacts on forested land. This determination is based on a review of the information provided by the applicants and further developed from environmental information requests; field reconnaissance; scoping; literature research; alternatives analyses; and contacts with federal, state, and local agencies, and other stakeholders. 
We conclude that approval of the Projects would result in some adverse and significant environmental impacts. Although many factors were considered in this determination, the principal reasons are. 
• Rover would minimize impacts on natural and cultural resources during construction and operation of its Project by implementing its Plan and Procedures; HDD Contingency Plan; state-specific Agricultural Impact Mitigation Plans; Unanticipated Discovery Plans; Spill Plan for Oil and Hazardous Materials; Blasting Plan; Winter Construction Plan; and Karst Mitigation Plan. 
• Trunkline and Panhandle would minimize impacts on natural and cultural resources during construction and operation of its Project by implementing FERC’s Plan and Procedures, its SPAR Plan, and its Unanticipated Discoveries Plan.
That was not all.  View the report below.  Then below that you can view a press release from the Coalition for the Expansion of Pipeline Infrastructure with a statement on the FERC report.

CEPI Welcomes FERC Movement on Rover Pipeline 
Release of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement Brings New Pipeline Infrastructure in Region Closer to Construction and Operation 
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) released a draft Environmental Impact Statement (dEIS) for the Rover pipeline project, one of a handful of proposed pipeline projects crossing through the region.  The move represents the latest step in advancing the project toward its approval and construction. 
“The publication of the dEIS represents an important step forward in the review of the Rover pipeline project, and the Michigan Laborers are encouraged to see FERC proceed with its evaluation of Rover’s application,” said Geno Alessandrini, Sr., of the Michigan Laborers’ Union. “We’re ready to get to work on construction, and we urge the Commission to continue its timely review.” 
The Coalition welcomed the sign of progress, noting we had yet to begin reviewing the content of the massive dEIS. 
“Our organization plans to review the document in full.  But we’re encouraged by this positive step in FERC’s timeline.  The news today means this vital infrastructure project is even closer to operation,” said Rebecca McPhail, President of the West Virginia Manufacturers Association.  “Manufacturers in West Virginia and throughout the region stand to benefit greatly from the increased access to natural gas afforded by the Rover pipeline project.” 
Robert L. White, President of the Ohio State Grange, continued, “It might surprise some people to hear that the agricultural sector is one of the most energy-intensive in the nation. Natural gas both powers our farms in Ohio and aids in crop growth through the development of fertilizers. Expanded access to natural gas in the form of new pipelines would benefit agricultural endeavors in Ohio by stabilizing farmers’ overhead costs. We look forward to an expedient appraisal of the project’s application by FERC.” 
As the Coalition prepares for the next steps in the approval process for Rover, we urge FERC to maintain a timely review schedule in order to keep this project moving. We look forward to continuing to educate the public on natural gas infrastructure and its many positive effects.

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