03/31/16 Links of the Day: Halliburton-Baker Hughes Merger in Jeopardy, Former EPA Employee Seeks to Vindicate Botched Investigation, and More

Seeking Alpha:  Halliburton and Baker Hughes: Is it Time to Cut Losses?   -   "Halliburton (NYSE:HAL) and Baker Hughes (NYSE:BHI) announced the agreement to merge in November 2014. At the time of the announcement, the two companies expected that the transaction would close within approximately a year. Several months past the initial deadline in the merger agreement, the two companies are nowhere close to having received the most important regulatory..."

Victoria Advocate:  Schools Hit Hard by Oil Devaluation   -   "As oil inventories continued to rise this week with new U.S. Energy Information Administration data, the effects of the ongoing downturn continue to be felt far and wide, but especially in oil play towns. Local school districts such as Cuero ISD are facing budget shortfalls as the downturn in oil revenue and valuations hits a revenue stream that had seen years of record..."

Reason.com:  Climate Campaigner Bill McKibben's Misleading Anti-Fracking Crusade   -   "Climate campaigner Bill McKibben is against fracking shale to produce natural gas. In a new article, "Global Warming's Terrifying New Chemistry," over at The Nation, McKibben claims that recent research suggests that leaking methane is offsetting the reductions in carbon dioxide emissions..."

MarketWatch:  5 Reasons Oil is on Track for Biggest Monthly Gain in Nearly a Year   -   "Oil futures are set to score their largest monthly gain in almost a year, even though U.S. crude supplies climbed in each of the last six weeks and major oil producers have yet for formalize a plan to stabilize output. West Texas Intermediate crude futures CLK6, +0.05% settled at $39.46 on Thursday, up nearly 17%..."

Casper Star Tribune:  Former EPA Lead Investigator in Pavillion Releases Study Linking Fracking to Water Contamination   -   "More than four years after he penned the explosive report linking fracking to contaminated drinking water outside of Pavillion, Dominic DiGiulio is releasing the study he always hoped the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency would: A rebuttal to the years of criticism levied against..."

Energy in Depth:  Stanford Researchers Repackage EPA's Discredited Fracking Study in Pavillion   -   "In a new study examining water quality in Pavillion, Wyo., Stanford researchers claim to have “for the first time, demonstrated impact to Underground Sources of Drinking Water (USDWs) as a result of hydraulic fracturing,” a theory that many critics of drilling have promoted for the same region. But the research team did not take any new samples, choosing instead..."

Forbes:  Why Green Energy Means no Energy   -   "Here are some basic facts about energy and human well-being. • There are 7 billion people in the world who need cheap, plentiful, reliable energy to flourish. • Some three billion have virtually no energy by our standards. Over a billion have no electricity..."

Harvard Business Review:  What Low Oil Prices Really Mean   -   "Since the start of 2016, oil prices have swung between $27 and $42 per barrel, about a quarter of the 2008 peak crude oil price of $145. On February 16, oil ministers from Saudi Arabia, Russia, Qatar, and Venezuela agreed to a tentative deal to freeze their production in an attempt to boost..."

Akron Beacon Journal:  CORN Offers Advice to Landowners on NEXUS Pipeline Route   -   "From the Coalition to Reroute Nexus, a group opposed to the Nexus Pipeline that would cross northern Ohio including parts of Stark, Summit, Wayne and Median counties: SPRING IN OHIO - NEXUS LANDMEN in BLOOM Landowners in northeastern Ohio have been voicing concerns about NEXUS’s pressure tactics. Examples include the agent who "comes every day" and will not leave them alone, the agent who leaves papers..."

Argus Media:  Natural Gas Leads Pack for US Power Generation   -   "Natural gas-fired generation will remain the dominant source of power generation capacity for years to come amid low gas prices, tougher emissions standards and an aging fleet of coal-fired plants. Wind, solar and other renewables are capturing a greater share of the power generation capacity mix. But the immediate outlook for capacity shows continued reliance on gas and other traditional forms..."

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