3/15/16 Links of the Day: McClendon Death Still Not Officially Ruled Suicide, Midstream Infrastructure Continues Coming Together in Ohio, & More

North America Shale Blog:  The Fight to Stop the EPA’s “Clean Power Plan” Continues   -   "On February 19, 2016, 27 states, the United States Chamber of Commerce, and over 150 different organizations and entities (the “Petitioners”) filed their joint Opening Brief on Core Legal Issues (the “Opening Brief”), related to their petitions for..."

Bloomberg:  Iran's Oil Market Return Not Yet Fulfilling Grand Promises   -   "Iran’s return to global oil markets after sanctions were lifted isn’t living up to the country’s grand ambitions, or at least not yet. Six weeks after the historic nuclear deal that allowed Iran to resume oil sales around the world, the OPEC member is shipping barely a third of the..."

Reuters:  Oil Prices Have Bottomed Out, But Growth Will Not Be Sharp   -   "Global oil prices appear to have bottomed out and are expected to rise through this year as investment cuts help to reduce a supply glut, a senior analyst at the International Energy Agency said on Tuesday. Benchmark Brent crude futures LCOc1 were up 44 cents at..."

Akron Beacon Journal:  Antero Resources, Workers Donate $13,000 to Ohio Food Banks   -   "At a recognition event today hosted by Antero Resources, the company honored a set of local food bank and pantry representatives for their continued efforts to reduce hunger. Volunteers from Belmont, Guernsey, Monroe, Noble and Washington Counties received more than $13,000 in donations from..."

Policy Matters Ohio:  Boom and Bust Highlights Need for Stronger Fracking Tax   -   "Prices at the pump have plummeted and some oil- and gas-producing regions are seeing their economies slow, but Ohio’s Utica region saw growing production in 2015. Fiscal problems of other areas show that..."

CNS:  Antitrust Complaint Against Chesapeake Gas   -   "Chesapeake Energy leaseholders sued the company Thursday in a federal antitrust class action, two days after its former CEO Aubrey McClendon was charged with rigging bids and the day after he died in a fiery..."

Energy in Depth:  Five SAB Panel Members Support Dissenting Opinion, Agree EPA’s Topline Conclusion is Sound   -   "Five members of Science Advisory Board’s (SAB) Hydraulic Fracturing Panel have acknowledged support of fellow SAB member Walt Hufford in his recently released dissenting opinion, which disagrees with SAB’s two draft recommendations to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on its landmark draft report on..."

Wall Street Journal:  McClendon Bet Big to Finance Second Act   -   "Mr. McClendon had pledged as collateral assets worth hundreds of millions of dollars as he sought to finance a comeback following his 2013 ouster as chief executive of Chesapeake. From oil properties to a piece of the Oklahoma City Thunder basketball team to a 2,000-bottle fine-wine collection to stakes in tech startups, he had a broad set of investments to leverage as he looked to raise..."

Forbes:  Why the Next President Should Seize Shale's Unprecedented Geopolitical Opportunity   -   "We now have clarity—even if it was assumed before—as to one more political chasm in this election cycle. At issue is “fracking” and the future for America’s enormous new shale energy industry. Whatever one knows or thinks about fracking, the indisputable fact is it..."

Energy in Depth:  Ruffalo and DiCaprio Host Anti-Fracking Field Trip for the One Percent, Vanity Fair Swoons   -   "Vanity Fair magazine has built its reputation covering celebrity culture, with recent trending articles featuring topics like Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck’s divorce and Kanye West’s debt. It shouldn’t come as a surprise, therefore, that a new article by the magazine’s Senior Hollywood writer Julie Miller – entitled “Mark Ruffalo Calls Out Governor Jerry Brown Over L.A.’s Urban Fracking” – doesn’t meet the highest standards of scientific..."

Business Journal Daily:  Construction Set to Begin on Cornerstone Pipeline   -   "MPLX’s Cornerstone Pipeline project is expected to get under construction in the next several weeks, in time to meet its in-service date of late 2016, according to an oil and gas trade journal. The trade publication North American Oil & Gas Pipelines reports that the rights-of-way have been cleared and construction on the 50-mile stretch of pipeline in Ohio should begin..."

Energy in Depth:  New NOAA Study Undercuts EPA, Finds Fracking Not to Blame for Increased Methane Emissions   -   "Just one day after the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced it will regulate methane emissions from existing sources of oil and natural gas in order to “combat climate change,” scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have released a new study finding..."

Natural Gas Now:  Lesson From Dimock: Damages Are For Everyone   -   "Therefore, it being obvious damages must be for everyone, I have decided to launch a number of lawsuits against many individuals, businesses, and state and federal governments for a number of “nuisances” that I feel have impacted my life. Here are a few: - That road work at the intersection of I-81 and Route 17 in Binghamton, New York that has gone on forever and made the entire interchange a nightmare: Nuisance Damages Value = $2.0 million - Windmills on Farview Mountain that block..."

Seeking Alpha:  Southwestern Energy Expecting Massive Asset Writedowns And Huge Reductions To Full-Year Cash Flow Modeling At Q1 Reporting   -   "Southwestern Energy (NYSE:SWN) is a name we've followed for quite some time now. Our interest in the name started years ago when the E&P began to aggressively acquire acreage -- including a marquee $5.2 billion acquisition from Chesapeake Energy (NYSE:CHK) in 2014 -- and began to market itself as..."

Wall Street Journal:  Investigation Into Aubrey McClendon Crash Finds High Speeds, No Health Emergency   -   "U.S. shale pioneer Aubrey McClendon hit speeds of 89 miles an hour just before his Chevy Tahoe slammed into a concrete bridge earlier this month in a fatal crash, according to a report issued Monday afternoon by the Oklahoma City Police Department. Mr. McClendon’s SUV, which was fitted to run..."

Reuters:  Turning to Frack Tech, Stricken U.S. Drillers Test New Limits   -   "Fifty-stage frack jobs. Fifteen-foot cluster spacing. More than 2,000 pounds of proppant concentrate per foot. Top U.S. shale producers are pushing fracking technology to new extremes to get more oil out of their wells, as they weather lower-for-longer oil prices. While the impact of the techniques may be scarcely noticeable on..."

WKSU:  Midstream Investment Continues in the Utica   -   "Despite the stall in the Utica Shale boom, the nation’s biggest pipeline company is set to begin construction on a half-a-billion dollar transmission system across northern..."

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