EnerVest Using Horizontal Drilling to Chase Oil in Clinton Sandstone

From NGI:
There was a time before the advent of Ohio's Utica Shale boom when the Clinton Sandstone was king, reigning as the state's most actively produced formation. But EnerVest Operating LLC is trying to breathe new life into the old play by reviving the stubborn rock with horizontal drilling. 
Located in the East Canton Oil Field, which stretches across roughly seven counties from Northeast Ohio southward, 1.5 billion bbl of oil is still thought to be in place in the Silurian-aged Clinton, according to a 2010 study by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Division of Geological Survey. Barry Lay, general manager of EnerVest's Appalachia north asset team, said 90% of the oil-in-place is thought to be there and recoverable. 
There are 3,100 current or formerly producing wells in the East Canton field, which was discovered in 1947. As of 2010, the Clinton had produced 95 million bbl of oil, making it the overshadowed, but most significantly produced, oil field in the state. EnerVest has 115,000 gross acres in the field. 
"The original oil-in-place is still there. By its nature, secondary recovery is not effective at large-scale," Lay told a crowd of hundreds during a presentation on Thursday at the Ohio Oil and Gas Association’s (OOGA) annual winter meeting in Columbus. "So how do we increase recovery and tap into those massive amounts of oil? We believe the answer to that is horizontal drilling."
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