Once an Advocate of Natural Gas, Activist Bill McKibben Now Criticizing Others for Having Done the Same

From The Daily Caller:
The founder of anti-fossil fuel group 350.org also tossed side-eye at the former director of Sierra Club, Carl Pope, for allegedly cavorting with then-fracking giant Chesapeake Energy for the expressed purposes of championing liquefied natural gas production.

Pope received $25 million from now-deceased former Chesapeake Energy CEO Aubrey McClendon to fund his environmental causes. 
The final blow may be McKibben’s decision to give credit to Josh Fox — the film director who produced the 2010 anti-fracking film “Gasland” — for helping to kick-start the anti-fracking movement. 
McKibben was singing a different tune in 2009 when he felt so strongly about power plants switching to natural gas, he was willing to do a stint in the hoosegow in support of the cause. 
He was one of several celebrities who protested on the front steps of the Capitol Power Plant in Washington, D.C. 
“There are moments in a nation’s—and a planet’s—history when it may be necessary for some to break the law … We will cross the legal boundary of the power plant, and we expect to be arrested,” McKibben told reporters prior to the protest. 
McKibben added: “[I]t would be easy enough to fix. In fact, the facility can already burn some natural gas instead, and a modest retrofit would let it convert away from coal entirely. … It would even stimulate the local economy.”
Click here to read more. 

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