Last Week's News Rundown

We're back from vacation (the first time since the inception of The Daily Digger that I've actually taken a week off from this), so things will get back to normal this week.

First, though, here are some of the stories that we didn't get to post about last week.

Companies Remain Confident That Utica Shale Drilling Will Pick Up
While Utica Shale brought much disappointment to many area businesses, at least two companies are confident drilling will resume. 
Just a few years ago, Utica Shale, part of the Appalacian Basin, became a major natural gas and oil producer. Southeast Ohio saw a surge in lease activity, pipeline projects and hiring. Prosperity trickled through the economy to...
New Genus of Bacteria Found Living in Fracked Wells
Researchers analyzing the genomes of microorganisms living in shale oil and gas wells have found evidence of sustainable ecosystems taking hold there—populated in part by a never-before-seen genus of bacteria they have dubbed “Frackibacter.” 
The new genus is one of the 31 microbial members found living inside two separate fracturing wells, Ohio State University researchers and their colleagues report in the Sept. 5 online edition of the journal Nature Microbiology.
Geologist Says $70 to $80 Oil Prices Are Key to More Ohio Drilling
The domestic gas and oil industry may have plummeted in Guernsey County and elsewhere around the country, but it will rebound, predicted David R. Hill, a geologist and an oil and natural gas producer from Byesville. 
Hill offered his assessment recently during a Coffee and Commerce meeting sponsored by the Cambridge Area Chamber of Commerce. 
He reported that the domestic component of the industry is suffering "pain" because of a decision by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to flood the world oil markets with an excess supply of crude oil.
Landowners Continue Battle Against UTOPIA Pipeline 
Kinder Morgan officials said the hundreds of eminent domain lawsuits they filed against landowners in the path of the Utopia Pipeline are just part of the building process, but an attorney representing numerous property owners said the company is just trying to intimidate them into signing “lowball” contracts.
Is Chesapeake Energy Planning to Reduce Focus on Utica Shale Next Year?
"When you think about the Eagle Ford and you think about a traditional Eagle Ford well that brings on a decent amount of oil and looks pretty good and it costs $2.1 million, that's a pretty attractive set of economics. And now you put that against the higher oil recoveries of a 10,000-foot lateral and doing so at a well cost that's just a little over $4 million, and it's pretty attractive," he said. 
Dell'Osso said Chesapeake will expend "a little bit more" capital in the Utica Shale in 2017, but its focus remains elsewhere. If the company changes its mind, he said, it has the ability adapt quickly.
Opponents Lining Up to Shoot Down Youngstown Fracking Ban Yet Again
The press event Tuesday morning in the hall of Teamsters Local 377 could have been a scene from the 1993 fantasy-comedy movie “Groundhog Day,” except as Mayor John A. McNally noted, “This is not something for us to joke about.” 
The something was the sixth point-by-point rebuttal by the Mahoning County Coalition for Job Growth and Investment to the sixth effort of Committee for the Youngstown Community Bill of Rights to amend the Youngstown Charter Nov. 8 and ban the business of energy extraction within city limits.
NEXUS Pipeline Clears Another Hurdle with Approval of Compressor Stations
Ohio EPA has issued five air permits-to-install-and-operate compressor stations intended to facilitate delivery of natural gas along the Nexus Gas Transmission (NGT) pipeline. 
The permits were issued as final for facilities at the following locations: 
Clyde - Sandusky County (east of Pickle Street/south of I-90)
Hanoverton - Columbiana County (near State Route 644 and Ridgeway Road)
Salineville -Columbiana County (Yellow Creek Road)
Wadsworth/Guilford Township - Medina County (north of I-76 on Guilford Road)
Waterville - Lucas County (Moosman Drive, south of Neapolis-Waterville Road)
Seven New Permits Issued for Utica Shale Drilling During the Week Ending September 10

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