Ohio Counties Continue to Reap Sales Tax Bounty From Shale

From The Intelligencer:
Officials in Belmont, Monroe, Harrison and Jefferson counties saw their total sales tax revenues jump by more than $21 million during the five years of the Marcellus and Utica shale boom, according to an industry-backed group. 
Officials with Washington, D.C.-based Energy In Depth said counties with drilling and fracking realized about a 65-percent increase, on average, in sales tax revenue from fiscal years 2011 to 2015. During this time period, companies have spent billions of dollars for drilling rights, as well as pipeline and processing infrastructure. 
“It really is all about the shale,” Monroe County Auditor Pandora Neuhart said. “It starts with the abstractors, then it goes to the drillers, the frackers, the truckers, the pipeliners. They are all here because of the shale.”
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