Trump Voices Support for Fossil Fuels at Shale Event in Pittsburgh

From The Hill:
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump on Thursday accused his Democratic opponent of seeking a “war on energy,” and promised to slash regulations that he says are holding back fossil fuels. 
Hillary Clinton’s energy policies would cost the United States $5 trillion, Trump said in a speech at a natural gas conference. He added that Clinton wants “to put the coal miners out of work, ban hydraulic fracking in almost all places and extensively restrict and ban energy production on public lands and in most offshore areas."

The billionaire businessman predicted "devastation for states like Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia and so many others, where shale oil and shale energy and coal and coal production are critical parts of the economy.” 
Trump used the speech in Pittsburgh, the heart of the Marcellus Shale gas boom of recent years, to pitch his energy, economic and tax agendas to gas executives. He spoke highly of what the gas boom, spurred by hydraulic fracturing, has done to the country’s economy and security.
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