NEXUS Pipeline Still Waiting Anxiously for FERC Approval

From NGI:
The Nexus Gas Transmission pipeline was a notable omission when FERC pushed out a series of last-minute certificate orders approving natural gas pipelines before losing its quorum last month. 
Now the Marcellus/Utica-to-Midwest project will have to wait on a decision from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission as the competition moves forward, including Energy Transfer's Rover Pipeline -- now cleared to start construction -- and efforts by TransCanada Corp. to entice Western Canadian producers to ship gas eastward on its Mainline from Alberta to Ontario and Quebec. 
That Nexus has to wait on a certificate order from the currently quorumless FERC creates additional risk of a delay from its target start-up in November. 
But Nexus may also have more questions to answer as it pushes for FERC -- once the Commission gets back to business -- to make a determination of market need. Regulatory filings indicate Nexus, a demand-pull project backed by Detroit-based DTE Energy and Enbridge Inc., has signed precedent agreements for around 59% of its proposed 1.5 Bcf/d of capacity.
The whole article is available by clicking here.

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