Anti-Driller in Dimock Sues Driller Despite Previously Accepting a Settlement

From The Times-Tribune:
Two weeks after a judge reversed a $4.24 million well contamination verdict against Cabot Oil & Gas Corp., another Dimock Twp. resident filed a federal lawsuit alleging the company’s Marcellus Shale drilling operations contaminated his well water. 
Ray Kemble claims Cabot’s negligence in drilling natural gas well pads contaminated the well water at his home on Route 3023 with toxic chemicals and high levels of methane. 
Kevin Cunningham, a spokesman for Cabot, said Kemble’s lawsuit appears to include claims that were resolved by a settlement he reached with Cabot years ago. 
“Mr. Kemble has been active for years in the media voicing his opposition to development of natural gas in Pennsylvania and this suit appears to be a continuation of that monologue,” Cunningham said in a statement. “Cabot intends to vigorously defend the lawsuit.”
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