Youngstown Anti-Drillers Set For Yet Another Attempt at Fracking Ban

From Natural Gas Now:
The Marxist CELDF is making yet another run at a “community rights” initiative in Youngstown, Ohio under the cover of fracking opposition. It seeks anarchy. 
A nation without laws is not a nation. 
Virulent anti-drillers in Youngstown, OH have now tried six times to pass a so-called Community Bill of Rights ballot measure–and have failed all six times, the most recent last November. The local yokels are pawns, useful idiots, for an ultra-radical group from Pennsylvania called the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund (CELDF). The CELDF is behind dozens of such efforts, none of which has been successful. The CELDF is also behind a number of bizarre lawsuits — like the one claiming that an ecosystem is a “person” with rights
The CELDF has the local anti yokels in Youngstown amped up again — circulating a seventh petition for a ballot measure. But this time is different. In addition to the usual no fracking, no pipelines pablum, this petition has language that makes it legal to break the law. 
You read that right. If the ballot measure were to pass, and if an anti got it into her head to sit in front of a bulldozer that was about to clear ground for a wellpad, or dig a trench for a pipeline, the police would not be able to arrest and remove the anti. It would be within her rights to sit there and block legal, legitimate activity–all in the name of saving the planet.
Click here to read the entire article.

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