06/29/17 Links of the Day: Rover Asks FERC to Approve Drilling; New Ohio Injection Wells Approved; And More!

Gas & Oil:  Record Keeping Essential to Prove Lack Of Production in Paying Quantities   -   "Oil and gas leases typically include language indicating that the lease will remain in effect so long as the leased property continues to produce oil and gas in paying quantities. Ohio courts have long held that a well is producing in paying quantities if the revenues from the well exceed the expenses involved in maintaining the well. Unless production from the leased property has ceased..."

Ashland Times-Gazette:  Rover Pipeline Fine Will Be Used for Work at Ashland County Courthouse   -   "Ashland County should be receiving its $50,000 payment this week as part of a settlement with one of the companies building a natural gas pipeline across Ohio. During a departmental update Thursday, building maintenance supervisor Dennis Harris told Ashland County commissioners the check was mailed Monday from Houston-based Energy Transfer Partners. The company is building the $4.2 billion Rover pipeline to carry natural gas from wells in the shale areas of southeastern Ohio to distribution points in..."

Bloomberg:  Shale's Record Fracklog Could Force Crude Prices Even Lower   -   "There’s yet another concern growing as oil prices continue to erode: A record U.S. fracklog. There were 5,946 drilled-but-uncompleted wells in the nation’s oilfields at the end of May, the most in at least three years, according to estimates by the U.S. Energy Information Administration. In the last month alone, explorers drilled 125 more wells in the Permian Basin than they would..."

The Courier:  Marathon Completes 50-Mile Pipeline in Northwestern Ohio   -   "A new 50-mile pipeline, constructed between Harpster in Wyandot County and Lima in Allen County, is operational and will supply fuel to 10 Midwestern refineries. The new line is a project of Marathon Pipe Line, a subsidiary of MPLX. On Tuesday, company officials said it took 450 contractors over one million man-hours to construct the pipeline, but the project was on time and under budget. The pipeline, known as Harpster-Lima, passed several tests during..."

Gas & Oil:  Supreme Court to Rule on Free Gas vs. Lease Argument   -   "The Ohio Supreme Court must decide whether the acceptance of free gas is sufficient to prevent a property owner from terminating an oil and gas lease on her property. Justices heard oral arguments on that issue Tuesday in a case pitting a Washington County landowner against an oil and gas company, with the decision having implications for other leases across eastern Ohio’s emerging shale gas and oilfields. “The appeal concerns a fundamental question that directly and immediately affects..."

The Repository:  Working to Keep Pipelines Secure   -   "Regional first responders gathered Tuesday at the Stark County Emergency Management Agency to discuss how to safeguard pipelines and respond to emergencies with them. The meeting was timely given the ongoing construction of Energy Transfer’s Rover Pipeline in Stark, Carroll and Tuscarawas counties. Class attendees included..."

Tribune Chronicle:  Public Hearing Set for Proposed Energy Center   -   "So far, most of the comments Mayor Arno Hill said he’s heard about the proposed Trumbull Energy Center have been positive. But he will be better able to gauge community views on Clean Energy Future’s plans to build its second electric generating facility along Henn Parkway following a public hearing next month, Hill said. “I’d say 90 percent of what’s being said..."

Business Journal Daily:  ODNR OKs 2 New Injection Wells in Brookfield   -   "The Ohio Department of Natural Resources has approved permits for Pittsburgh-based Highland Field Services LLC to begin work on two new wastewater injection wells in the township. Highland Field Services submitted its permit applications on Jan. 19, seeking approval for two injection wells — No. 1 and No. 5 — on land just west of state Route 7, north of Warren-Sharon Road, or “Old 82,” and south of Merwin Chase Road, according to documents filed with..."

WFMJ:  Suit Alleges Pollution Violations by Warren and Drilling Waste Treatment Plant   -   "An environmental watchdog group has filed a lawsuit in federal court claiming that the City of Warren and an oil and gas waste disposal facility in the city are responsible for violating standards for chemicals being allowed to flow into the Mahoning River. The Michigan-based, Fresh Water Accountability Project filed a civil action in..."

Marcellus Drilling News:  Rover (Again) Asks FERC For Permission to Finish Horizontal Drilling   -   "Yesterday Energy Transfer Partners, the builder of the Rover Pipeline, once again asked the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) if they could pretty-please-with-a-cherry-on-top resume horizontal directional drilling (HDD) in a couple of key locations in Ohio, so they can finish phase one of..."

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