Rice Energy Accused of Improperly Classifying Employees as Independent Contractors

From PennRecord:
A man employed as a drilling fluid engineer for an oil and natural gas company alleges that he was not paid for overtime work. 
Burton Williford filed a complaint on behalf of herself and all others similarly situated on July 18 in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh Division against Rice Energy Inc. alleging violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

According to the complaint, the plaintiff alleges that he was improperly classified as an independent contractor and was not paid any overtime compensation during his employment from June 2014 to April. The plaintiff holds Rice Energy Inc. responsible because the defendant allegedly refused to pay overtime wages to the plaintiff despite working more than 40 hours per week and instead only paid a day rate. 
The plaintiff requests a trial by jury and seeks unpaid back wages, liquidated damages, interest, court costs and any further relief the court grants. He is represented by Joshua P. Geist of Goodrich & Geist PC in Pittsburgh.
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