New Bill Would Give Some Ohio Counties Bigger Share of Oil and Gas Production Revenue

From The Times Leader:
Congressman Bill Johnson introduced legislation last week that, if passed, would allow oil and gas producing counties in Ohio to keep more revenue generated from production on federal lands. 
The bill, titled Providing Opportunities With Energy Revenues (or POWER) Counties Act, is similar to previous legislation introduced by Johnson in 2015 that was not enacted. The proposed legislation seeks to “amend the Mineral Leasing Act to require payment to counties of a portion of certain revenues received by the United States under Federal oil and gas leases, and for other purposes,” according to 
The Mineral Leasing Act, first enacted by Congress in 1920, regulates the leasing of public lands for the development of several mineral resources, including coal, oil, natural gas, other hydrocarbons and other minerals. 
“There is little doubt that Eastern and Southeastern Ohio are at the center of America’s energy renaissance,” Johnson said. “Energy development is having a positive impact on virtually every sector of our economy, including education. Our students are learning about the many job opportunities that have arrived — and will continue to arrive — resulting from the oil and gas boom. Schools are expanding their programs to help prepare students for new and exciting careers here at home, where they have been raised and educated.”
Click here to read the whole article.

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