95 Ohio Firefighters Attend Special Training for Oil and Gas Site Emergencies

From the Perry Tribune:
The two-day training program teaches firefighters field-tested tactics and procedures for combating potential drilling and production site incidents. Firefighters also learn how to evaluate oil and natural gas emergencies, and obtain valuable site-specific information during an emergency.

"Providing firefighters with the latest information and tactics for dealing with oil field emergencies is one of the most important things we do," said OOGEEP Executive Director Rhonda Reda. "Our state-certified instructors, many of whom are current or retired firefighters themselves, take pride in providing fellow emergency responders with this valuable safety information. It is because of our instructors that firefighters from across the nation look to OOGEEP’s training program as a highly regarded model."

The first day of the program focuses on distinguishing between normal operations and true oil field emergencies. Classroom presentations provide an overview of Ohio’s oil and gas industry, including the processes and procedures used to develop these energy sources.

On day two, firefighters receive hands-on training utilizing the OOGEEP outdoor fire-behavior lab at the Wayne County Regional Fire and Rescue Training Facility. The training site includes several pieces of oilfield equipment designed to allow firefighters to experience and respond to potential oilfield incidents.
Read the whole article by clicking here.

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