Residents Displaced After Well Pad Explosion Return Home

From The Intelligencer:
Heavy rain continues to stall the efforts to cap a well at XTO Energy’s Schnegg well pad near Captina Creek, the site of an explosion on Feb. 15, but the majority of the evacuees have returned home. 
“We’re still working. Obviously the weather has been a factor slowing us down. We’re still trying to move that big crane. We want to do that very carefully because it’s near a well that had been producing before the master valve was shut after the incident,” XTO spokeswoman Karen Matusic said. “Weather forecasts are continued rain. Its supposed to get even heavier tomorrow I’ve heard …We’re still working even though it’s raining, but there’s access roads. We have to be careful everything is still safe and secure. A couple times the working crew has been pulled off the pad by emergency responders.” 
Matusic said the process involves using the access roads to remove debris and heavy equipment. The high winds and rain may impact safety of the access roads. 
“Those roads, even before rain, were tough. They’re rural roads,” she said. 
Matusic said the pad had four wells, and the well that had the blowout was not yet in production.
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