Cabot Oil & Gas Prepares to Explore 100 Miles North of Utica Shale Play's Core

From the Ashland Times-Gazette:
Cabot Oil & Gas is getting ready to drill test wells in Ashland and surrounding counties in north-central Ohio.

“We’ve got a really neat group of geologists who think they see something in Ohio,” said George Stark, a Cabot spokesman based in Pittsburgh. “They see something, and we want to go touch it.”

Cabot is looking for natural gas and oil a hundred miles northwest of the Utica Shale play’s core in eastern Ohio.

The Houston-based company has filed paperwork with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources for two well pads in Ashland County, and plans to drill up to five test wells in an area that includes parts of Richland, Knox, Wayne and Holmes counties.

“You don’t want one test to be the smile face or the frown face,” Stark said. “You need more data.”
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