Youngstown Fracking Ban Defeated Again; Activists Again Don't Accept Results

From the Youngstown Vindicator:
And on the seventh try, the anti-fracking initiative in Youngstown failed again. 
But supporters won’t rest. 
“It’s not like we’re going to stop,” said Susie Beiersdorfer, a member of the Committee for the Youngstown Water Protection Bill of Rights, which backed the proposal. “Our motto is we don’t lose until we quit.” 
The initiative lost 56 percent to 44 percent, according to final but unofficial results. 
The proposal was to ban fracking and anything related to the extraction of fossil fuels in the city. 
City voters had rejected similar ballot measures six times: twice in both 2013 and 2014, and once each in 2015 and 2016. 
Members of the Mahoning Valley Coalition for Job Growth, which again opposed the anti-fracking proposal, said they’re not surprised backers of the initiative won’t give up. 
“I’m glad to see the voters made this choice again, but I’m disappointed we have to do this over and over,” said Guy Coviello, Youngstown-Warren Regional Chamber vice president of government affairs. 
“I wish they would take the hint, but we’ve learned by now they’re not going to.”
Click here to read more.

With the 7th failed effort to push through this anti-fracking legislation, Beiersdorfer and her organization have now cost taxpayers over $100,000.

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