Ohio Roads Continue to Take a Beating From Heavy Oil and Gas Truck Traffic

From the Times Leader:
The oil and natural gas industry has been a boon to the Buckeye State, but local officials say the related heavy truck traffic is taking a toll on local roads.

The situation is exacerbated when truck drivers unfamiliar with the area utilize the wrong roads, area leaders said. 
Belmont Mayor Stan Sobel said this has been an issue in his village for the past six years. 
“Some of the oil and gas trucks have damaged our roads. Some of the drivers, instead of making a turn on our roads normally, they go over the sidewalk and crush sewer systems. There have been a couple times where they have knocked down the poles that held our cable and our telephone services, and we were without service for three days because of that. There’s just been a whole host of things going on,” he said, adding that the problem in his community mainly occurs on Bridge Street and Main Street, with residents’ mailboxes taking damage as well. 
“For us and many of the small villages, the big thing is the destruction of roads,” Sobel continued. “They’re breaking up our roads. Some of the drivers go through people’s yards. We had, at one time, three different mailboxes that were sheared off along the road and lying in the road because of some of these people that went through.
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