40 People Rally Against Cabot's Plans in Ashland and Richland Counties

From the Mansfield News Journal:
Community members gathered on the bank of the Clear Fork of the Mohican River on Sunday afternoon to protest a Houston-based company's plans for hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in Richland, Ashland and Knox counties. 
About 40 people gathered Sunday, with many of them marching for miles through town before the rally to raise awareness about Cabot Oil and Gas' hydraulic fracturing actions in the area. 
Hydraulic fracturing, often called fracking, is a drilling process in which a high-pressure liquid is directed at rocks below the earth's surface to extract oil or gases from inside. 
"Cabot Oil has invaded our communities," Ashland County resident Elaine Tanner with Friends for Environmental Justice said at the start of the rally.
Read the rest of the article by clicking here.

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